Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Too Much

I was out of bed at 4.35am 😳

I showered and dressed while Adoring Husband kept an eye on Harley who was a bit confused about being woken so early.

AH finished packing the car while I finished gathering the loose ends.

I decided to ride the trike and take Harley for the day so I packed plenty of water, food and treats to keep him happy. 

The car was packed to the brim, including the passenger seat so AH went on ahead to find our site and start unloading until I arrived.

It was a pleasant ride at 5.30am. The temperature was mild and it was the first time I’d ridden the new path that stretches from the service station to the bowls club. The markets were held in the field beside the bowls club so it was easy for me.

AH had just removed the gazebo from the car, so I kept Harley in the trike while I helped open and set up the gazebo and tables then AH emptied the remaining paraphernalia from car and kept Harley happy while I set up the tables with old stock from the shop and some of our art.

I didn’t take as much art as originally planned because with just me to serve the customers, I didn’t want to overdo it. As it was, there was more art than I had space for anyway.

Nobody looked at the art. They just made a beeline for the stock that I was selling for half price.

I got to chat with lots of people who I haven’t seen for more than a year so I really enjoyed catching up with them.

The weather was comfortable for most of the day, with a nice breeze blowing to keep the temperature down. Sometimes the wind got wild enough to knock the art over and I was worried that the gazebo might take off because it wasn’t pegged down so AH tied it to the hubcaps of the car!

From about 11am it started to get uncomfortably warm and by the time we were packing the car and pulling down the gazebo and tables, it was pretty horrible.

In the full heat of the midday sun and with no shade for protection, the last 15 minutes was almost unbearable.

Worst of all, I then had to climb on my trike and ride home against a head wind with 20kgs of Harley in the basket.

The path had very mall rises in patches, which under normal circumstances, aren’t even worth mentioning, but in 30°C humid heat and under the midday sun with a strong wind trying to blow you backwards, those small rises felt like steep inclines!

By the time I arrived home, my face was glowing red and the perspiration was dripping from me. Poor Harley was panting like he’d just run a marathon himself, so I unhooked him from his harness and leash and led him directly to the pool where he slid straight into the refreshing water.

I only went in up to my knees and Harley shook all of his excess water over me, which was cooling and helpful.

AH brought out a large bottle of ice cold filtered water for me and then demanded that I go directly inside where the air conditioning was cooling the house. He was very concerned that I was suffering from heat stroke and kept feeling my forehead and the skin on my arms.

I was fine. Exhausted from the days activities which was much more than I’m used to but I just needed to rest a while so I lay on the couch and closed my eyes for a bit of a nap.

Sales were good for the day and I made a tidy profit so it was worth the effort.

Harley was exceptional considering it was his first market and he was tied to his leash for almost 7 hours!

It was the first time that he’d pooped away from home and I needed to use the tidy bags to remove his waste from public walkways!

He loved meeting new people and he got tangled in his leash a few times but mostly he found a comfortable spot to sit or lie down and was as quiet as a mouse. He got excited seeing other dogs walking by but didn’t make a scene at all.

It was a good day.

AH is exhausted and has already gone to bed before the football has even finished.

BGWLBH was too ill to join us but she has improved considerably and ate some food for the first time since Wednesday so that’s a good sign.

Unfortunately, I was so busy setting up, serving customers, chatting to old friends and pulling down, that I completely forgot to take a photo! I’m very disappointed in myself for that, being our first market and all.

Ah well.

We had a blackout last night! Just as I was about to turn out the light to sleep, everything went black. It lasted for about 90 minutes apparently.

Time for me to rest my weary bones now. I’m getting too old for this s#*% haha.

Nite all.

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