Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Bay Saturday

I attempted to watch the tennis last night but fell asleep around midnight.

The first match lasted for about 4 hours with the number 2 player, Sinner, from Italy, losing in 5 sets to the number 3 player, Alcaraz, from Spain.

The second match was won by the German, Sverev, who is the number 4 player in the world.

I’d like Sverev to win but I think Alcaraz will win easily.

BGWLBH and I drove into The Bay today. We did the newsagent, a dress shop, the art shop, Coles, Choice, Su Jus and Heaps Discount.

We got home just in time to play with Harley before the football started.

I cooked a nice chicken dish and served it with salad, coleslaw and boiled baby potatoes.

We watched more football and now it’s almost 11.30pm and I’m feeling weary.

Nite all.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Typical QLD Miracle

So the girls did it for QLD State of Origin tonight.

What a game! In horrendous conditions! A miracle field goal in the final 90 seconds.

I set my alarm for 4am so that I could watch Alex De Minaur get thrashed by Alexander Sverev. Very disappointing and it was a comprehensive thrashing. 

Let’s hope for a better result at Wimbledon which starts on 1st July.

We had an appointment with a solar panel guy and got a quote for an additional 6.6kw system with converter. Seems excessive at $16,000.

Now we have an appointment on Monday morning with the guy from Solar Hart (our current 4.4kw system is Solar Hart) and I think their quote will be less than half of today’s quote.

BGWLBH and I drove into town for a decent grocery shop, a stop at the butcher, some fresh juice and some lotto tickets.

Adoring Husband had a zoom meeting with his neurosurgeon this afternoon which went well.

We spent the afternoon poring over 12 power bills to calculate our average monthly power costs. It was tricky because we had to take into account the government rebates and then recalculate 6 of the bills. We are paying just under $300 per month! 


I prepared a pot of bolognese sauce and left it on to simmer while BGWLBH took me to work. It was nice and easy to just cook the spaghetti when we returned home.

We played trivia before the women’s State of Origin game.

I’m very tired now, at 11pm. Time to sleep.

Nite all.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Winning Again!

Adoring Husband is healing well and his symptoms are still at bay.

Except for the fact that his NSW Blues team lost so badly tonight. Usually his tremor is really bad during state of origin but it was barely there at the height of his stress.

Winners are grinners!

That’s me!

That’ll teach him for mouthing off all day haha.

I’m sad about Djokovic having to withdraw from the French Open due to injury. He needs surgery on his knee so he probably won’t play Wimbledon either.


De Minaur (the Aussie) plays at 4am our time tomorrow so I’m off to set my alarm and get some sleep before his match.

Nite all.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Another All-nighter

I was watching the Australian, Alex De Minaur, play his match against the number 5 seed Medvedev. I fully expected him to lose, but he surprised me with a very strong win!

Before his match had finished, Djokovic’s match against Cerúndolo started, so of course I switched to that game hoping for a shorter and easier game - not just for Djokovic’s sake, but for mine too! I wanted to get some sleep! 

It was after midnight here when his match commenced.

Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. He won the first set easily 6-1, then lost the next two sets 5-7, 3-6. I confess that I dozed on and off during those sets so I can’t say whether Djokovic played badly or his opponent played well.

In true Djokovic style, he came good in the end, winning the next two sets 7-5 6-3. His match finished at 5am our time and I tried to snatch a couple of hours sleep before meditation but I just couldn’t relax.

At 5.30am a message came through to say that meditation was cancelled for the day. THAT was a relief!

It was very cold this morning so I stayed in bed until 9am. I couldn’t sleep, but I lay under the covers very relaxed.

After a big Harley play, some breakfast and handing over my ironing to BGWLBH, I climbed back into bed and snatched a couple of hours sleep.

I crumbed some chicken thighs before going off to work.

Crumbed chicken and salad for dinner and an hour of trivia.

Now I’m watching the tennis again but I’m going to put the timer on because I’ll be asleep in about 20 minutes I reckon. I have to save myself for tomorrow nights quarter finals. They will all be big matches!

I might have to pull the doona out this winter. I’m feeling the cold more than usual!

Nite all.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

My Hero Wins

Contamination of Covid vaccine 

I woke this morning at 7am, much earlier than usual, so I picked up my iPad to check on the tennis results from the previous evening - only to discover that Djokovic was currently on court!

It was 11pm in Paris and he was at the end of a tight first set so I quickly turned on my TV to watch the match.

He won the first set 7-5 but I have to say that he looked like he was struggling. Struggling to keep up with his young opponent, struggling with his breathing and struggling to find a way past his opponent.

He lost the next two sets 6-7 2-6.

At this point I almost turned the TV off.

Djokovic was not playing to his usual standard, was making a lot of unforced errors and his opponent looked sharp and in control of the match.

Djokovic looked tired and frustrated. It was almost 2am over there and I thought to myself ‘Djokovic is too old to be playing at this time of night. It’s past his bed time!’

He was down 0-2 in the fourth set and I was certain he was gone for all money.

Then his wife appeared in his box with this beaming, loving smile on her face. He said something to her in Serbian and they both laughed.

He suddenly came to life!

He was running well, hitting his shots cleanly, playing smarter and in fast time he won the next two sets 6-3 6-0. He’d played for 4.5 hours and it was after 3am when he hit the winning shot.

His speech was full of praise for his young Italian opponent, Lorenzo Musetti, and he admitted that for most of the match he had no answers to Musetti’s brilliant game play. He felt that it was pure luck that he’d been able to find success in the last two sets.

NEVER give up on Djokovic. I should have remembered that he has come from behind many, many times to break through with miraculous wins. That’s the kind of fighter he is. Never say die.

So it was 11.30am when I finally emerged from my bedroom.

I had let Harley out at 8.30am so he was well looked after and Adoring Husband cooked breakfast for he and BGWLBH.

This afternoon BGWLBH and I drove out to Farm Gate market stall and got some fresh veg and eggs. I checked that the shop toilets were presentable for tomorrow (Monday) and we did a quick shop at the supermarket.

For dinner, I prepared pumpkin, spinach and pine nut salad, sweet potato and potato chips, snow peas and beans, cauliflower and broccoli and crispy skinned chicken thighs.

I’d cooked up a big batch of cauliflower and broccoli so I made a delicious creamy soup with heaps of white pepper, zymil cream, butter, nutmeg, coriander, salt and chicken stock from the freezer. I poured some in a mug and sprinkled toasted pine nuts over the top.


It’s 11pm and I’m watching Tsitsipas vs Arnaldi play their third round match at Roland-Garros.

I won’t see the end because I’m tired and need some sleep.

Kevin Costner improves with age … if that’s possible!

Nite all.