Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Planning Activities

They interviewed the founder of Dubai, *Sheikh Rashid,* about the future of his country, he replied:

"My grandfather walked the camel, my father walked the camel. I walk in a Mercedes, my son goes in a Land Rover, and my grandson will go around in a Land Rver, but my great-grandson will have to walk the camel again...... ”

Why? "

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times.

Many won't understand, but we need to grow warriors, not parasites... “

All is well in our world. 

Adoring Husband is healing well and all the right things are happening.

We drove out to Bamboo Land this morning where we bought a new plant for one the big pots near the pool and a big tin of stain for the bamboo fence, so in a couple of weeks when AH is allowed to get back into an active life, he will paint the fence and plant the plant.

We had a little walk around the grounds which are looking good.

We stopped at Tin & Timber Home Decor in Torbanlea and I bought a big sage coloured duvet for the lounge - protection so that Harley can be on the lounge with me - and two small green cushions with geckos embroidered on them.

We did a little food shopping at the local supermarket and picked up our meat order from the butcher.

AH cooked some snags on the barbecue for lunch and we sat to watch the old movie “The Outlaw Josie Wales” starring Clint Eastwood. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it and I quite enjoyed it.

Apparently there is a lot of rain forecast for our area tomorrow and they’ve cancelled the Howard Markets for tomorrow morning, even though not a single drop of rain has fallen!

I got to watch Djokovic play tennis last night as well as part of De Minaur’s match so it was 3am when I turned the telly off. Needless to say, I’m feeling a bit weary tonight.

Oh I forgot to mention that AH had the 60+ staples removed from his head on Thursday, as well as the 9 stitches where they implanted his battery pack. They did such a good job, it’s difficult to see the scars on his head.

While that was happening, I spent a fortune at Tinkerbell’s on a jewellery layby of a silver cuff bracelet with laramar stones and a matching ring, both hand crafted by a talented silversmith. I’ll take pics when I get them out of layby.

Meanwhile, it’s time to sleep so that I can stay up tomorrow night to watch Djokovic again.

Nite all.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Free of Meds

Adoring Husband went out walking this morning - to the shops and back - because he needed milk for coffee and he’s not allowed to drive for a month.

He could have asked BGWLBH to drive him down there but chose not to and snuck out on his own.

I’m impressed.

He is doing very well and will be having the staples removed tomorrow.

No more drugs.

He still needs to concentrate on his speech because I’ve had to ask him to repeat himself a number of times today and he hasn’t practiced reading the script on the paperwork that the doctor provided.

We watched a great movie on Netflix today called “Fisherman’s Friends” set in Cornwall. I really loved it. I laughed and cried and cheered and grumbled.

We also watched a crap movie on Netflix called “They Live” which was released in 1988. Dreadful acting, pathetic special affects, woeful storyline, the worst editing ever and an ending that made little sense. Don’t watch it.

My parasite cleanse was going along nicely until today when I got a bit out of control and ate 8 dim sims! A friend acquired gf dim sims from the Sunny Coast and I was so excited, I gorged myself and have felt quite uncomfortable ever since!

My belly is packed tight - it’s been a long time since I ate so much in one sitting and my tummy normally fills quickly when I do eat. I don’t know what came over me and I’ve been suffering ever since.

I’ll need some activated charcoal to help clear my digestive tract!

I didn’t eat dinner tonight but made nachos for BGWLBH and soft wrapped tacos for AH.

We played trivia for an hour and AH and I followed up with the 1% Club.

Now I’m lying in bed watching the French Open Tennis.

I can’t believe it’s after 11.30pm.

Nite all.

Monday, May 27, 2024

He’s Baaaa-aaack!

No pics yet, but bald Adoring Husband arrived home at about 3pm today.

The scars on his head are at the front of his skull - I thought they would be at the back - it almost looks like he’s had a lobotomy!

The first thing I noticed was how tall he is. He’s been standing and walking with a noticeable exaggerated stoop for so long and now he’s standing tall and strong. There is a huge difference!

Instead of shuffling through the house, he’s almost strutting. Both arms are swinging by his side where his left arm used to hang straight and still when he walked.

His foot is almost straight when he walks - it used to turn inwards and when he walked it would swing in front of his good leg.

His speech is much better but he needs speech therapy and has speech exercises that he has to practice because he has become lazy, talking too fast with words running into each other and almost slurring. He needs to learn how to talk properly again.

After a 4 hour trip home, he sat up in his lounge chair watching television and talking with me, without immediately falling asleep. Unheard of!

It takes just a moment to stand up from his lounge chair, where before, it would take minutes for him to shuffle his butt forward and then rock back and forth to get the rhythm and strength to lift his body.

At dinner time he finished eating before me! Before the surgery, he would be sitting by himself at the table for at least ten to fifteen minutes after we’d finished, trying to finish his meal.

His tremor is gone. I noticed his restless foot for a few minutes while he was reclined in his chair, but when I pointed it out, he was able to stop it.

Those are the things I’ve noticed so far.

Pretty miraculous!

He took his last half a tablet tonight and will no longer take meds.

All the pain that he had in his neck and joints has gone and he no longer looks like a rickety old man.

It will be a month before he can do his normal day to day activities like driving, working, hanging washing, playing with Harley, mowing etc but BGWLBH and I have that covered.

Needless to say, at this stage, we are very happy with the results.

Tonight for dinner I did another pumpkin, spinach and pine nut salad, boiled baby potatoes in their jackets and bacon wrapped chicken with garlic butter.

It’s been a big day.

Nite all.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Heading Home

Adoring Husband will be on his way home on Monday morning.

His family visited him today, which made him very happy and after tomorrow, he should be drug free. 

I know his tremor has not completely gone yet because I can hear the rustling rhythm when he holds the phone, but it comes and goes.

Today I have been nursing a Harley injury. HE injured ME!

He used my stomach as a launching pad when he heard BGWLBH come out of her bedroom this morning and I have felt very tender with possible internal bruising. It was unexpected so I was not prepared and my soft belly took the brunt of his full weight.

I spent the afternoon in bed watching the footy and dozing on and off.

For dinner I made spinach, roasted pumpkin, haloumi and pine nut salad with leftover chicken wings.

Now it’s time to sleep. We need to go to The Bay tomorrow to get all the things we couldn’t get on Friday because it was a public holiday.

We also need to be home in time for AH’s arrival.

Nite all.