Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Marketing Fun

We started at the Howard Markets this morning.

We got there at 7.30am and it was already warm and already very busy! There were cars everywhere but we were lucky to catch a rock star carpark right at the front.

I nabbed myself a lovely little hand made cross body bag, a tall drinking cup with a blue tooth music attachment, some snacks for Harley, fresh eggs and a 3kg bucket of raw honey. Instead of coffee, I bought a small cup of coconut ice cream with crushed pineapple and toasted coconut on tip. Delicious!

We dropped all of our goodies at home, changed our tops and drove into The Bay for breakfast.

I found a nice pair of 3/4 length jeggings in one of the boutiques. Big W got a visit, as did Rivers, Choice, butcher, Coles and Su Jus. For a Saturday morning, it was not very busy in town.

It was a glorious day so people were probably out and about doing family stuff at the beaches or something.

By the time we got home, I was exhausted!

I unpacked our goodies, played with Harley, made my lunch/dinner at 4pm and watched 2 movies.

“The Accident Man Hitman’s Holiday” very gruesome, violent, gross and blood thirsty. “The Adam Project” which I’ve seen before but I love it.

I’m in bed now watching “Speed”.

Time to sleep. I’m buggered.

Nite all.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Not Much News

I had lots of silent time today.

I had an hour in the pool area with Harley.

I had three hours in my retro area either just sitting or colouring in my app.

I had two hours in front of the TV.

I had another hour by the pool with Harley.

We had a guy come out to measure and quote for laying 75 metres of lawn out the back.

I mixed the marinade for the chicken wings.

Adoring Husband cooked dinner.

We played trivia.

Life is good.

Nite all.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Our Valentines

Twenty one years ago, on 30th June, Adoring Husband and I met online, in a MSN (Microsoft Network) over 40s chat room.

Eleven weeks later, after chatting online every day, sending long emails and making quite a few long phone calls, we decided to meet face to face for the first time.

We decided to meet on 15th September at Central Station in Sydney, under the main clock. I don’t remember the time we decided upon.

Anyway, approximately 10 years ago, we decided that we didn’t like the commercial aspects of Valentine’s Day - the fact that roses increased in price, you had to book a long time in advance to eat at a restaurant, the added costs of stuffed toys, chocolates, valentine cards, twilight river cruises and other special events, we decided to have our own personal valentines date that was NOT 14th February.

Our Valentine’s Day is 15th September - the anniversary of our first face to face meeting under the clock.

Almost every year, AH forgets, but this year we BOTH forgot, which is why we decided to have a valentines lunch date today!

We had our first visit to Ricardo’s Italian Restaurant where we each ordered lobster mornay …

My eyes may have been bigger than my belly …

Not so for AH!

It was delicious and I channeled my inner child by ordering a lime spider as my drink of choice.

The food was amazing, the service super friendly and efficient, the atmosphere very warm and inviting and the prices the best in town.

It was a lovely lunch date as we watched the wild and woolly weather from our window seat.

I desperately tried to purchase some new clothes, but none of the clothing boutiques in that area had anything that I liked. I tried on a few things in the dressing rooms, but none of them thrilled me.


I got some home made lemon grass soap in an op shop, some fig infused balsamic vinegar from a new boutique deli, fresh fruit and veg, bulk meat from the butcher and fresh bread from the baker.

A good day all round.

Nite all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Days and Days

Monday was a big day in The Bay for all of us.

Adoring Husband has physio on his shoulder very early on Monday mornings and he usually takes the opportunity to visit Bunnings and run his list of errands while he’s in the bay.

BGWLBH and I had lists of our own, so we left here at about 10am and crossed paths with AH as he arrived here in town when we were leaving.

It was AH’s turn to cook so we enjoyed home made hamburgers for dinner.

On Tuesday, due to illness, The Gypsy cancelled meditation and hoop qi gong, so I got to spend extra time  in bed, which I was very happy about.

I had three hours sitting in my retro area just looking out at the world. One hour was spent on my phone. 

I was watching the different honey eaters taking turns clinging to the flowering spike of the grass tree and taking the nectar from the flowers.

The big palm tree across the road was blowing in the strong wind and the sound of the massive fronds swishing together was very calming and relaxing.

We have a couple of biggish lizards living in our front garden and they were scuttling across the driveway, probably trying to avoid the birds!

There were ducks flying overhead as they left the lagoon across the road.

Harley was lying at my feet and very interested in all the activity with his nose twitching, his ears up and his tail wagging.

It really was a pleasant couple of hours.

My turn to cook this time so I did sweet potato and potato French fries, meatless shish kabobs and honey soy chicken thighs.

Today was another day in The Bay. Did a little Christmas shopping, groceries and junk food.

Not long after we arrived home, the air con serviceman pulled in to service our ducted air conditioner and the split system in the art room.

Last summer was a doozy and our air conditioner, which is 16 yrs old, was overworked and is now in damage control. Much of the workings in the ceiling need replacing so we’ll be getting a quote for that next week.

More expense 🫤

Tonight was AH’s turn to cook and he had a go at spaghetti carbonara (not from a packet!) serving it with salad. The spaghetti was a little over cooked but otherwise it was bloody delicious. He’s a good cook.

I am now very tired and tomorrow AH and I will be celebrating our own special Valentine’s Day (we don’t do February) at Ricardo’s in The Bay. I plan on ordering the lobster! So I’d best get some sleep.

Nite all.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Four “R”s

From Brahmakumaris Online Learning

Sometimes, the emotional landscape within me is hard and rocky. Every footstep of my thoughts lands on hard ground, unforgiving terrain or prickly pathways. My heart and mind are beset by an intensity of emotional experience that makes my daily journey difficult. One of the most reliable tools I have in moments like these is the tool of observation. I acknowledge the difficult emotions. I detach slightly from their effect on me and just observe them. I notice how they shift and change. I notice what thoughts are associated and I tolerate the turmoil, knowing it will pass. I focus on what I have to do, I carry on with living and I walk gently through my day. Slowly the energy shifts and I am once again on gentle ground. Today let me observe, not absorb any difficult emotion.

photo Leon Beckert

Today was a stay in bed, rest, relax, rejuvenate and regenerate kind of day.

I got up to play with Harley and then made my breakfast to bring back to bed.

I watched YouTube videos on water colour painting, I coloured in on my Zen app, I journaled, I dozed, I did a late Friday falafel and I watched some of the women’s NRL semi final between Broncos and Cronulla. Cronulla won.

I got out of bed to play with Harley and make chicken and vegetable pies for dinner. I put spinach, bok Choy, fresh peas, fresh beans, capsicum, leek, carrot, zucchini, sweet potato, mushroom and garlic with the chicken. I mixed up a white cheesy sauce and encased it all in puff pastry.


Adoring Husband went back for seconds.

Now I’m ready for sleep.

Nite all.