Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Still Improving

Better today than yesterday and hopefully tomorrow I will be even better than today.

I took it very easy, watching the first 3 episodes of the new series of Cobra Kai on Netflix.

I cooked a whole chicken to make ‘fend for yourself’ night a bit easier for Adoring Husband and BGWLBH.

Super Saturday football started at 3pm and I am still doing a very poor job of footy tipping. I still have my joker round up my sleeve, which will give me double points, so there is hope.

AH got a perfect round last weekend so he has jumped to 3rd spot.

It was only 3°C this morning and I stayed in bed until 9am when the temp had jumped to 16°.

It’s only 8.30pm now but I am yawning uncontrollably and feel that I need to sleep soon. I probably won’t see out the second half of the Storm vs Roosters game.

I have written in my ‘gratitude’ journal, my ‘Friday Falafel’ journal and my ‘Powers’ journal. That’s enough for tonight.

My brain is used up.

Nite all.

Friday, July 19, 2024


Still sick 🤧

I spent Thursday in bed. I shouldn’t have gone into The Bay on Wednesday. I knew I wasn’t quite well enough and it set me back.

I slept for a couple of hours during the day on Thursday and then fell asleep at 10.30pm and slept until 8.30am! Ten hours of solid sleep!

So I felt much better this morning when I woke up and I got out of bed at 9am and stayed up all day. I didn’t even need a nap this afternoon.

Still have some healing to do, but I’m definitely getting there.

Obviously I have no news to share and it’s almost midnight so I’m off to sleep.

Nite all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Duchess

Gone but not forgotten.

The beautiful “Duchess” passed away yesterday.

She was a kind, gentle, graceful, generous, loving and beautiful soul.

I loved her from the moment I met her 14 years ago. Without even having met me, she so generously accommodated me when I attended a Summer Photography Course at Toowoomba University with Best Cousin in the World.

Her hospitality was second to none.

The last time I saw her was when I still had the shop and she visited me while on holidays. We had a casual lunch in the back room and caught up.

She was also an avid reader of this blog and when I stopped writing a couple of years ago, she made contact through her daughter, J, The Inveterate Traveller, saying that she missed my blog and was wondering when I was going to start writing again.

I had no intention of writing again, but she was special and motivated me to get back to it.

I honestly think of her every day as I start my daily blog post.

Knowing The Duchess will not be reading this tomorrow makes me feel sad.

May she rest in peace.

Nite all.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Recovery Time


It’s called a Post Marketing Surveillance report and you were never supposed to see it.  

A judge in the USA ordered the release of this document....despite the wishes of Pfizer and the CDC, who petitioned to keep the Pfizer documents confidential for 75 years.

In the first 90 days of product use, Pfizer received 1223 REPORTS OF DEATH  (It’s in the document link below).

The media and the government just trundled on telling you “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE” and mandated it.

The data was suppressed and difficult to find, but politicians, media, personalities and health officials, supported by institutions and the corporate sector, pushed a dangerous chemical by way of mandates and terminated honest people from employment for not complying.

Let’s be clear, 1 death and 1 injury is enough. After that it becomes a potential crime!

How many have died since?

Adverse event report from Pfizer (this is the link to the document)

Today was recovery day after our dramatic whale watching day. 

I slept like a dead person last night. 10.30pm - 6.10am solid.

I didn’t attend meditation because I think our whale day may have set me back a bit and I was feeling a little under the weather. I’ve missed two weeks in a row!

Tonight I made lamb and water chestnut meatballs with a spicy dipping sauce. BGWLBH made some salads to go with them.

My favourite - Nat - won MasterChef.

Now it’s time to sleep.

Nite all.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Poor Conditions

This will be quick.

I’m exhausted.

Sat up til 1.30am watching Alcaraz defeat Djokovic in 3 sets. Alcaraz’s game was exemplary. So powerful and so accurate. He deserved to win and Djokovic was graceful in defeat.

I tried to sleep but it was after 3.30am when my body decided it was time.

My alarm rang at 5.30am.

Two hours sleep is not a good foundation for a day of whale watching!

Unfortunately there were westerly winds blowing which helped develop a 2 metre swell. The boat was rocking and a rolling, it was cold and choppy and very unpleasant.

BGWLBH got seasick (she isn’t usually affected) and I was too afraid to leave my seat for fear of falling and breaking a hip!!!

There were very few whales out and about and not counting the crew, there were only 18 others on the boat. 

It was a long day and we were exhausted at the end of it.

The captain advised us to always check the weather forecast before we book our trips and whenever there is a “W” in the wind direction, DON’T book for that day!

Captain Phil is our favourite captain 👨‍✈️ 

Now it’s almost 10.30pm and I can barely keep my eyes open so…

Nite all.