Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Market Day

“Come you masters of war. You that build all the guns. You that build the death planes.

You that build all the big bombs.

You that hide behind walls.

You that hide behind desks.

I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

Let me ask you one question, Is your money that good?

Will it buy you forgiveness, do you think that it could?

I think you will find, when your death takes its toll, all the money you made, will never buy back your soul”

~Bob Dylan

We did the Howard markets this morning, leaving at 7am, but it seems that everybody had the same idea!

People everywhere!

I got some Harley treats, 2 hand made dresses and a skirt for Hazey, zucchini and a new leather cross body bag for myself. 

It’s been 2.5 yrs since I got myself a new bag and it was very reasonably priced for leather.

We also purchased a couple of kgs of frozen mango cheeks from a local farmer. We use them in our smoothies.

After we got home, I made breakfast for BGWLBH, played with Harley, boiled some eggs and made myself a curried egg and lettuce sandwich for breakfast and ate it while watching the second mens semi final of the US Open.

It finished around midday.

I found New Moon (Twilight) on ABC TV so I watched the second half of that, played with Harley again and made myself comfortable for an afternoon of footy.

“fend for yourself” night so I didn’t have to worry about cooking.

I was late doing Friday Falafel for Vegan Chickie (because today is Saturday) so I did the video before the football started.

It’s only 7am but I set my alarm for 5.30am and then walked around the markets for almost 2 hours today - I’m too old for this $&@?

I’ll probably fall asleep watching the footy.


Nite all

Friday, September 6, 2024

Another Friday Bites the Dust

I didn’t set my alarm for the tennis this morning.

I woke naturally at 7am and turned on the tennis to watch the men’s doubles match but it didn’t start until about 7.30am. Our Aussie boys won easily so they are in the final on Sunday morning (our time).

At 9am I made breakfast for BGWLBH and then took Harley out to play for an hour.

Tomato on toast and a cup of tea for my breakfast and I settled in to watch the women’s semi final tennis. My favourite, the Russian, Aryna Sabalenka will play the American, Emma Navarro in the final on Saturday.

I think Sabalenka will win, although Navarro, having the strong crowd support, will make it a tough match.

Saturday morning will see the men play their semi finals to determine who plays in the men’s final. I am going to the markets so I probably won’t see them play.

Adoring Husband drove into The Bay to have the stitches removed from under his eye. The results of the biopsy were what we wanted and what he had was Bowen’s Disease.

He had other chores to do on the list that I made for him, including picking up our watches from Bay Time & Engraving on Main Street. 

I was very pleased that my 21 year old watch was able to be repaired. I bought it for myself for $200 as a celebratory gift when I separated from my last partner. I absolutely love it and haven’t found another watch even close to it. The band is very unique, as is the shape of the face and the size and style of the numbers.

AH’s ancient Sharks watch was also repaired.

I had four parcels arrive today. 

A long spongy kitchen floor runner, four fridge storage containers, a spray bottle for cooking oil and five floor length sheer aqua curtains to cover the new glass sliding doors in the art space.

I made the marinade for our chicken tonight and played with Harley one more time. We played trivia after dinner and watched the football.

Now I need to sleep because it will be an early start for the markets.

Nite all.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sleepy Head

 The Persecution of Dr Reiner Fuellmich

Not happy Jan! 

I woke up bright and early to watch the tennis but the Aussie was obviously not at full strength or fitness and was beaten convincingly in three sets by a player not even in the top 20.

It annoyed me no end.

The victor is British and playing exceptionally well in this tournament, having not lost a set in any match so far. Next he has to play the number one in the world, Sinner, in the semi finals. THAT will be telling.

I tried to sleep during today but Adoring Husband decided to have a loud 20 minute argument over the phone with some Foxtel representative about our broken remote control.

The pool guy arrived to service the pool and for some reason, he knocked on our front door (which is right next to my bedroom), instead of walking straight through via the gate like he usually does.

Harley decided to talk loudly outside my bedroom door. Not barking and not howling but dog talking. I assume he was trying to tell us about the pool guy. This would have been short lived but AH thought having a prolonged conversation with Harley would be entertaining.

It took me a good hour to stop feeling cranky about my interrupted sleep!

We had leftover curries for dinner and I made some fresh rice.

We played trivia.

I did NOT watch all of the football because my beloved Broncos were annihilated by Storm and after a while, I couldn’t bear watching it any longer.

I’ll be awake at 6am to watch the Aussie men’s doubles team play the semi final.

Nite all.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Another Day

I didn’t watch any tennis last night but caught the last 2 sets of the Fritz vs Sverev match before getting out of bed this morning.

I made breakfast for BGWLBH and played with Harley before making myself presentable for a day in town.

We were looking for a rotating mop head with a long handle that attaches to the garden hose for cleaning the car. Nothing at Bunnings. Nothing at Big W. Nothing at Choice. Gave up.

Shopped for food, TP, lotto, clothes and decided to grab some curries from Eli Waters for dinner. I made fried rice with last nights leftovers and we sat down very early for a delicious dinner. Mild coconut chicken curry.  Medium goat curry. Hot Rogan Josh. Medium Butter Chicken. Full of flavour and just the right heat.

We played trivia.

Adoring Husband toddled off to bed early.

I’ll be setting my alarm for 3am for tennis so I’d best get some sleep.

Nite all.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Missed Again

Meditation starts at 8am, closely followed by hoop qi gongercise at 9.30 - 10.30, followed by catching up with The Gypsy until 1pm - hence I missed the all Aussie tennis match today between Thompson and De Minaur.

I also left my phone at home so I couldn’t even monitor the score during the morning!

In case you’re wondering, De Minaur won.

Meditation was great.

Hoop qi gongercise was more active than usual and my body is feeling it tonight. I was doing the routine at double time while The Gypsy gave her time to the others who are less confident and less co-ordinated. I well and truly wore myself out!

At home, I made myself some lunch and then fell asleep on the couch.

I made honey soy sesame chicken with rice for dinner.

An hour of trivia followed by The Voice.

I definitely need to sleep now.

Nite all.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Missed It

Due to the fact that BGWLBH and I drove in to The Bay at 8am, I missed watching the important tennis match between Popyrin and Tiafoe.

With the disappointing result of the Aussie losing, I’m kinda glad I did miss it.

We arrived in town early so we found a coffee shop on the Esplanade and drank DELICIOUS coffee while watching the world go by. Nicest coffee in the Bay.

I dropped off four watches to the specialist watch jeweller in Pialba while BGWLBH attended her nail salon appointment.

I cashed in my lotto winnings and bought fresh tickets for this week.

I bought clothes!

I bought meat.

I bought food.

We got our usual juice and carrot cake.

Upon returning home, I played with Harley, after which I cooked a whole chook and a vegetable frittata using the leftover roast veggies from last night. I also made a garden salad. It was all pretty yummy.

We played trivia for an hour and Adoring Husband and I watched The Voice - although he took an early mark and went to bed 30 minutes after it started.

He’d had a big day mowing the back yard.

I’m feeling pretty weary myself now, so it’s off to sleep for me.

Nite all.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Winning Ways

It was worth waking early for the tennis.

We now have three Aussies in the quarter finals of the US Open.

Two of them have to play each other so we are guaranteed a place in the semi finals!

O’Connell lost to the number one in the world, Sinner.

Popyrin plays Tiafoe on Monday morning Brisbane time.

De Minaur plays Thompson on Tuesday but I’m not sure what time yet.

Today, I watched tennis until after midday. 

Adoring Husband mowed our front lawn and then joined me to watch the Adam Sandler movie, Spanglish.

Harley got some good play time.

AH cooked a leg of lamb on the rotisserie in the new barbecue while I did the vegetables in the oven. It wasn’t bad, but personally, I think we need to find another butcher. I haven’t been impressed with the quality of meat from these new guys.

It’s difficult to get plain meat from the local butcher because they crumb, marinate, stuff, coat, mix and flavour everything. Guaranteed they are full of salts, sugars, preservatives, colours, flavours and other nasties that are silently doing damage to your insides and playing around with your hormones.

If Childers wasn’t so far away, I’d happily purchase from the butcher there. My favourite butcher at Pialba doesn’t have a big enough range of meats available. Eli Waters is a pretty good option with a huge selection of everything! I think that’s the way to go.

Anyway, it’s time to sleep because I’m leaving early in the morning for the Bay.

Nite all.