Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Friday, September 27, 2024

It’s Friday!

The road to peace: 444

I don't care what I look like in the eyes of others any longer. 

I am just me, self-made, self loved, fought for and protected.

I dance to the beat of my own drum, (always have) and those who want in my circle will most likely exhaust themselves just trying to find a way in.

It's not that I don't allow new blessings, I just don't stop my life anymore, nor allow them in before they have proven worthy of a place in my world. 

You know your value, your worth, your power.

You don't really need anything, you don't grasp, you don't panic, you don't worry about changing your environment to please others.

You just live, do, create, love, build, explore, create room.

You live for the soul.

And that I believe, is called freedom. 

©️Magdalena Moon 

Dancing With Darkness

Nothing happened in my world today, apart from playing with Harley and playing trivia.

I watched some interesting interviews with nurses who were in the thick of it during Covid in USA and what they saw, how they spoke up and lost their jobs.

Did you know that nurses were being paid $10,000 per week in the biggest hospitals and medical centres during that time? Doctors were being paid $75,000 per week.

They were given rules and protocols to follow without question … no matter what.

I’ll share links to these interviews after I’ve watched them all.

The day began with rain but was quite lovely for the remainder of the time, although it was warm enough to turn on the air conditioner.

We watched the first preliminary final between Roosters and Storm. Storm were the victors.

Tomorrow I’ll be getting picked up to practice a hoop qi gong routine that The Gypsy and I will be performing at the local Seniors Concert in October.

That means I need to sleep now.

Nite all.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pubbing It

I had a fairly extensive shopping list, so BGWLBH and I drove into The Bay.

We were home by 3pm, unpacked the groceries, played with Harley and Adoring Husband and I drove to the pub at 4pm.

It has been 8 years since we attended the pub together. AH has been there with the first aid trainers, but it has been about 5 years since he was there too.

Only a special occasion could get us there. The previous owners of the local supermarket were in town visiting and sent out a blanket invitation to everyone. They certainly drew a crowd!

Our rear neighbour was there - I haven’t seen her for more than two years, so it was nice catching up with her.

We didn’t stay there for dinner because I had brought Indian curries home.

Unfortunately, I was silly enough to buy tickets in the seafood raffle at 5.20pm only to discover that it wasn’t being drawn until after 6pm. I was preparing to go home at 5.30pm but we had to be there to collect our prize (IF we won) so that meant we had to hang around.

It was the longest 45 minutes in the history of the universe.

The place was packed with noisy semi inebriated humans and we just wanted to return home to the peaceful and safe surroundings of our home.


We are officially old.

Nite all.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


"She asks me to kill the spider.

Instead, I get the most

peaceful weapons I can find.

I take a cup and a napkin.

I catch the spider, put it outside

and allow it to walk away.

If I am ever caught in the wrong place

at the wrong time, just being alive

and not bothering anyone,

I hope I am greeted

with the same kind

of mercy."

― Rudy Francisco, Helium

Photo © Javier RupĆ©rez. Jumping spider Macro shot.

Back in the day, I was a big fan of the series “ER”. It is currently being shown on the ABC and while I don’t go out of my way to watch it, every so often, late at night, I stumble across a double episode which I watch.

I’ve probably seen about 8 or 10 shows in the past few months. Back in the day, I loved this series and looked forward to every show, discussing each one at length with my friends and work colleagues the next day.

I don’t remember it being so dark and stressful and depressing! EVERY episode!

So I think I’ll slide past it next time. I don’t need that misery in my life šŸ«¤

Today was a weird kind of day.

I tried to find my mojo in the art room, but even though I sat at the table with a piece of artwork in front of me and placed paint, a brush and my art pens in front of me … my artistic creativity eluded me. I waited for an hour … but … nothing.

I chose, instead, to colour in. It was as arty farty as I could get.

Adoring Husband cooked the most delicious dinner. Honey Soy Sesame Chicken with rice. It was his best effort so far. I’m so glad it was his turn to cook.

It’s now almost midnight.

Nite all.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Not Quite There

I did not have enough energy to find my way to meditation or hoop qi gong this morning.

I had a restless night and I wasn’t at the top of my game, so I called in sick.

It was Harley’s 2nd birthday today!

He received two new toys, which he was happy with.

We had two long plays around the pool.

I watched the movie “Wonka” which I found to be a bit disappointing and actually fell asleep in the middle.

Taco Tuesday dinner.

MKR time.

It was a slow day with lots of resting on the couch and in bed and by the pool and in the sitting area in my art space.

I MUST make a new batch of colloidal silver tomorrow.

Time to sleep.

Nite all.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Ugh and Blurgh

I am currently in the throes of the second phase of a parasite cleanse.

The protocol is two weeks (starting two days before full moon, because that’s when parasites lay their eggs) of taking the wormwood/black walnut/clove capsules 3 x daily. Then two weeks off. Follow this routine for three months.

I’ve had two weeks taking the capsules, two weeks off and now two weeks taking the capsules again.

The detox symptoms are brutal and this second phase is worse than the first fortnight.

Symptoms include abdominal cramps, joint pain, bloating and wind, diarrhoea, nausea, lethargy, muscle cramps, brain fog and mood swings.

Ugh šŸ˜©

Once those symptoms pass, you feel energised, lighter, stronger, clear headed, supple, younger and happier.

It takes three months to flush everything out completely, but it may take me longer because I’m a sook and stopped taking the capsules after five days in this second round. Maybe when I’ve flushed more out and the detox symptoms ease a bit, I might be able to handle the entire two weeks again.

Parasites don’t like pumpkin seeds or powdered pawpaw seeds or black seed oil or oregano oil.

I’ve started adding organic pumpkin seeds to my smoothies.

I tell you this story because yesterday (Sunday) was my worst day and I really struggled. I slept for 2.5 hours in the afternoon and kept a vomit bucket beside the bed ‘just in case’.

Luckily, today was better, because I spent the day in The Bay. I had to sit down a few times but it was better than yesterday.

It was Adoring Husband’s turn to cook dinner. He cooked lamb cutlets on the barbecue and served them with roasted vegetables and cauliflower and broccoli. Very healthful and delicious.

On Sunday night, I cooked Orange Honey Chilli Chicken with potato and sweet potato mash, steamed beans and carrots.

For dessert I poached whole pears in water, coconut sugar, star anise, cinnamon stick, vanilla bean, nutmeg, clove and orange peel. I served them with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and salted caramel dairy free ice cream.

So much food!

I have meditation tomorrow so it’s time to sleep now.

Nite all.