Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Laying Low

It’s been a very quiet couple of days with absolutely nothing to report or share.

I’ve been nowhere and done nothing apart from playing with Harley and parking my butt on the couch watching Olympics results, football and live Olympic action.

I was happy to see Djokovic win through to the tennis final, so he will take home a guaranteed silver or possibly a gold medal. He plays the very talented and strong Alcaraz, so while I think Djokovic is capable of winning, I believe that Alcaraz has youthful energy, speed and strength on his side.

Sometimes it takes Alcaraz a couple of sets to warm up and because the Olympics tennis is best of three sets, he doesn’t have the luxury of time to warm up. That could play into Djokovic’s hands.

Djokovic has never won an Olympic gold medal (only bronze) so he’s very motivated.

The Aussies are doing ok at the games, especially the females. Only 2 of our 12 gold medals have been won by males.

We still have high hopes in water polo, hockey, 3x3 women’s basketball, men’s beach volleyball, road cycling and track and field.

I watched 2 movies on Netflix. “What Happens Next” with Meg Ryan and David Duchovny and “Destination Wedding” with Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves.

I had set my alarm for 3am so that I could watch the Djokovic semi final so by 2pm I was in need of a nap. Harley and I snuggled and slept on the couch together for about an hour.

Adoring Husband painted the bamboo fence around the pool with stain, so he’s feeling very sore and sorry for himself this evening.

I made a delicious puff pastry spinach/potato/tuna pie this morning and then offered it for ‘fend for yourself’ dinner. AH accepted my offer but BGWLBH had other plans.

There are leftovers for tomorrow.

I had an unlucky night with my footy teams. The Broncos lost badly and are now out of the running for finals football. Carlton lost to Collingwood by 3 points and have dropped down to 7th position on the ladder.

Now I need to sleep.

Nite all.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Not Much

Professor Ian Brighthope on Covid Vaccines

Pfizer’s Secret Report

Not a lot happening here.

Plenty of Olympic events to watch on TV.

It’s too bloody cold to get out of bed early - although the southerners will be laughing at our 3°C when they are enduring -6°C and -7°C.

I would stay in bed until lunch time if I didn’t have Harley. The fact that he needs to pee and play and eat means that 9am is about as late as I can remain under the covers in the mornings.

Wednesday was a very quiet day spent mostly in front of the TV watching a series of Great British Sewing Bee and the Olympics.

Today was a day in The Bay.

Breakfast at Salt, shopping at Spotlight, Eureka Furniture, Choice, Farmgate, Newsagent, Butcher, Coles and Su Jus.

I found this outdoor setting to replace our sad, old ripped and faded setting under the Bali hut. 

I loved it as soon as I saw it and the bonus was that it was comfortable under the butt! The best part was getting an extra 12% off the already 50% off!

They must make a LOT of money on furniture.

It was almost 3pm when we arrived home so we unpacked the car, put the groceries away, I played with Harley for about 30 minutes and then found my recipe book so that I could start cooking the lamb tagine that I’d planned.

I read it through and discovered that I needed at least 3.5 hours preparation time, so I canned that idea.

Leftover frozen lasagne for Adoring Husband and a GF meat pie for BGWLBH both served with salad.

We watched the footy tonight.

I have a photo shoot tomorrow so I’d best get some sleep.

Nite all.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Life Goes On

Monday was a day in The Bay.

Nana’s Pantry, Office Works, Rivers, Big W, Newsagent, Butcher x 2, Farm Gate, Coles, Bakery and Su Jus.

It was Adoring Husband’s turn to cook dinner and he decided to barbecue our choices of protein and serve with salads. When it was too late to do anything about it, he realised that he had forgotten MY protein.


So I had to make my own dinner while fuming mad and as a just punishment, I refused to play trivia.

I got to bed just in time to watch the tennis at the olympics - Djokovic vs Nadal - it was an easy win for Djokovic, even with the crowd strongly supporting Nadal.

So I was a bit late getting to sleep and had to rise early for meditation this morning.

Thank goodness AH turned on our heating (for just the 2nd time in 16 yrs) because it was 3°C and I was struggling to get out from under my warm covers.

Heart of Gold picked me up so that we didn’t have to ride our bikes in the icy cold weather.

Meditation was great - I’ve missed the last 3 weeks because of my health and then The Gypsy’s health - so  I really enjoyed today.

I returned home early because everybody else had somewhere to be and I made myself some tea and breakfast and sat down to catch up with the overnight Olympics results.

BGWLBH did our ironing while AH put some stain on the Bali hut posts.

I posted some important packages and AH bought me some flowers.

My turn to cook dinner and I attempted a recipe that BGWLBH had found online. Chicken with Spinach and Mushrooms in Creamy Parmesan Sauce. I wasn’t fussed on it but the other two enjoyed it.

We played some trivia tonight before settling in for some Olympic viewing.

Now I’m pretty weary and the temperature is dropping so it’s time to snuggle under the covers and get warm.

Nite all.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Festival Day

Adoring Husband and I had our first date together since he’s been able to safely drive on the highway.

We left at 7am to make our way to Childers for the cultural festival.

The closest carpark opens at 7.45am and we pulled into that driveway at exactly 7.45am being the second car to park there.

We had to rug up because the weather was quite cold! AH wore his Dryza Bone and I wore long sleeves with a knitted poncho and jeans! Unheard of!

We’d barely stopped at a dozen stalls before AH took our first bag of goodies back to the car.

Our list of goodies included:

  • A turquoise and blue poncho
  • A pottery heart
  • Honey
  • Duck and Juniper Berry salami
  • 2 dresses for Hazey
  • Jalapeño and raspberry jam
  • Pineapple and chilli marinade
  • A big soft fluffy sloth
  • Some CBD pet oil and CBD cream for Harley
  • 3 coffee mugs
  • 6 x GF donuts
  • Pulled pork nachos
  • Pad Thai chicken
  • Green smoothie
  • 2 x coffees
  • Honey and habanero chilli crisp

I think that’s all. 

We sat down with our food to listen to the 10am entertainment. His name was Austin Mackay and he was very good and we stayed for 45 mins listening to him …

He is also on instagram

We were only there for 3 hours, which is pretty standard for us. By 11am the crowds become unmanageable for us so we shuffle our way back to the car and head home.

By this time, the traffic coming into town is always slow and bumper to bumper. People are parking 2 kms from the festival and walking into town. Ugh.

We were home before midday.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat down with 2 donuts to watch some Olympic results, catch the start of an AFL match and then settle in for 3 games of NRL.

Home made lasagne with salad for dinner.

I’m feeling pretty worn out after such a big day that began quite early.

Nite all.