Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Another Day Out

United Nations (UN) and World Health Organisation (WHO) personnel have been granted “complete immunity” by the Australian government to force vaccinate Australian citizens on Australian soil.

The Australian government recently amended the 1995 Criminal Code Act to update the immunity enjoyed by UN personnel on Australian shores, including the right to perform “defence” and “medical procedures” on citizens with or without consent.

As a UN mandated agency, the WHO personnel are set to enjoy the same legal privileges on Australian soil under the amended legislation.

The amendment was made on 1 August 2024 and can be seen by searching for “United Nations” on the Australian government’s legislation page.

The amended legislation is particularly concerning given the fact the Australian government already has legislation in place granting impunity to foreign troops and police during a yet to be defined “emergency.”

The Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 grants impunity to foreign troops, potentially including UN troops, to quell what the government considers an “emergency” on Australian soil.

Australian states punished citizens with the world’s most draconian lockdown restrictions during the Covid pandemic, however, the movement to hold those responsible for taking away the constitutional rights of citizens is gaining steam in Australia.

I spent the day in The Bay with BGWLBH.

It was exhausting.

We restocked on some art supplies, purchased some jewellery, bought Powerball tickets for the $100million, grocery shopped, checked out the new shoe shop in Pialba Square, got fresh juice from Su Jus among other things.

We didn’t get home until after 3pm.

Of course the footy had already started so I watched some of that before taking Harley out for a quick play at half time.

Dinner was ‘fend for yourself’ so I didn’t have to worry about cooking.

Now, it’s almost midnight.

Nite all.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Joker Round

I took this week as my joker round in the footy tipping comp and so far, I have three out of three correct!

I’m feeling very smug right now, but taking my tipping history into account, that could change at any time. I will gloat while I’m able.

That’s the most exciting thing that happened to me today.

I watched Portrait Artist of the Year, Great British Sewing Bee, The Great Pottery Throw Down, Say Yes to the Dress, my quiz shows and two games of football.

My eyes are rectangular.

The weather was lovely and I got a couple of play times in with Harley so some warm sunshine touched my skin.

It’s Adoring Husband’s night for cooking so I didn’t even have to be productive in the kitchen.

My diary has more dates filled for the next two weeks than I’ve had for the last six months!

I have meditation x 2, hoop-chi-xercise x 2, coffee with the art girls, a private spiritual gathering and whale watching. I feel exhausted just thinking about it.

I’ve gotta go do Friday Falafel for Vegan Chickie now.

Nite all.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lunch Date

Adoring Husband and I left at 8.30am for our planned date.

We had a fairly extensive “to do” list which started at GD Products where we stocked up on TP, cleaning cloths and soap dispensers for work.

Petbarn was next where Harley was the winner with dog biscuits, liver treats and we bought 3 of his favourite balls to store away for when he’s destroyed the two currently in play.

Stocklands for fruit n veg, bakery and the newsagent where I purchased a Powerball ticket that returned $42, which will help pay for next weeks winning ticket. Imagine how many people I can help with $100million!?!?

From there we drove to the new shopping precinct to visit Eureka Furniture and Spotlight. We needed some protective spray for the new outdoor furniture and some throw rugs as well.

We arrived at AH’s doctor appointment almost 30 minutes early so I walked through the carpark to Tinkerbell’s and the other crystal shop nearby.

I found some more manifesting crystals - carnelian, clear quartz, aventurine and citrine - some candles and incense. AH turned up just in time to pay for my purchases!

We were 30 minutes off our lunch reservation so we made our way to the marina where Truly Asian Restaurant was awaiting us … or so I thought!

I had booked our reservations online, not knowing that there were TWO Truly Asian Restaurants in The Bay. I did NOT book the one at the marina. Luckily they weren’t too busy and we scored a table anyway. I was able to cancel the other reservation without issue.

We ordered Duck with Shiitake mushrooms, sizzling garlic prawns, yellow coconut rice and fried rice. My drink of choice was a Lychee Delight mocktail and AH had a light beer.

I didn’t think to take pics until the food was almost gone!

The meals were bloody beautiful and we gobbled it all up from our share plates. The service was fantastic and the food came quickly. The outlook over the water was great and we watched the whale boats coming and going as we ate. The weather was perfect and we thoroughly enjoyed our hour together.

We arrived home at 3pm and it took us a while to unpack everything.

I played with Harley before putting my feet up for a while.

I reheated last nights leftovers and added some vegetables and chilli for BGWLBH’s dinner. AH had a sandwich because our lunch was very filling and I passed on dinner altogether … except for dessert! A dairy free almond magnum.

I did very well in the footy tipping tonight. I chose this week as my joker round and was lucky enough to get the first pick right. Double points for me! Fingers crossed for the remaining games.

Now it’s time to sleep.

Nite all.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

After the Rain

I didn’t do much at all today.

Played with Harley.

Made a shopping list for Thursday.

Watched a movie that I’d already seen but right now I can’t even remember the name of it.

Cooked my lunch.

Now that the Olympics are over, I get to watch my quiz shows again.

Adoring Husband cooked lamb shanks for dinner (which were delicious).

We all played trivia and then watched the first episode of the new season of “Thank God You’re Here!” 

AH and I have a date tomorrow which includes lunch on the marina, so it’s time for me to sleep.

Nite all.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Very Weathery

Raining. Raining. Raining.

The rain was heavy enough to wake me often during the night and at 4am I couldn’t get back to sleep at all.

I let The Gypsy know, via early morning text, how wet it was here and she decided to cancel meditation. She’s not confident driving in wet weather.

At 5.45am I got up and made myself tomato on toast with a cup of tea and brought it back to bed.

At 8.30am I was ready to sleep again and at 9.15am Adoring Husband woke me up to say he was going to the supermarket.

I don’t remember what time I let Harley out but I immediately returned to bed.

It was the perfect day for staying in pyjamas in bed watching TV, colouring in, reading, checking social media, texting friends and family and napping.

The rain was heavy for most of the day. We’d had more than 100mm for the 24 hrs up to 9am today. I haven’t checked the gauge today but we may have had at another 60mm.

AH brought me a meat pie at lunch time.

It was my turn to cook dinner so I did curried lamb mince with toasted pine nuts, boiled rice and crispy flat bread. It only took 35 minutes and was delicious.

An hour of trivia before the 1% Club came on.

Now it’s rapidly approaching midnight and the rain is falling again.

Nite all.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Productivity Plus

You go talk to kindergartners or first-grade kids, you find a class full of science enthusiasts. They ask deep questions. They ask, "What is a dream, why do we have toes, why is the moon round, what is the birthday of the world, why is grass green?"

These are profound, important questions. They just bubble right out of them.

You go talk to 12th graders and there's none of that. They've become incurious. Something terrible has happened between kindergarten and 12th grade. ~Carl Sagan

(Book: Conversations with Carl Sagan [ad])

I was a little bit productive today!

I cleared a few things from my art space.

Cleaned out and decluttered the pantry.

Had a 2 hour zoom meeting with The Gypsy.

Finished the pantry and sprayed with peppermint essential oil mixed with water - apparently it repels ants, cockroaches and other bugs.

I created a money and abundance alter.

This is how I win lotto or Powerball or OzLotto - just you wait and see!

Adoring Husband cooked spaghetti bolognese for dinner.

We played trivia.

It is raining cats and dogs …

And doesn’t look like stopping anytime soon.

I have plans for more decluttering this week. Let’s see if I remain motivated.

Nite all.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Relaxing Sunday

"Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up."

~George Carlin

I remembered to take pics of the furniture (still with the plastic on the cushions) …

You can see that a rug would complete the look nicely.

I didn’t do much on this Sunday.

I played with Harley, of course. 

I stored the second batch of chicken broth in the freezer.

I watched a couple of light movies on Netflix.

I watched the football (6 out of 8 correct this week!).

I cooked some honey/soy chicken thighs and served them with salad for dinner.

That is about it.

Nite all.