Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Double Post

Friday and Saturday have been quiet, relaxing days.

BGWLBH and Adoring Husband have been doing their own thing and I’ve enjoyed peace and quiet around the pool and in front of the TV watching Netflix movies with Harley.

Harley has also been enjoying time outside following AH around the yard and in the shed while he works.

On Friday I had a 2 hour zoom meeting with The Gypsy. She gave me a reading with Tarot cards and Oracle cards - the gist of my reading being about my art space and me getting back into my art - which was weird because I had spent the previous 2 days trying to convince myself to do just that.

Even if I don’t create any art, I need to sit in there, meditate, listen to music, touch the brushes and paints and just get the feeling for it again. Eventually (hopefully), I will be inspired.

I had a lovely 30 minute phone call with Rebel Mardi. I was under the Bali hut when she phoned, so I was in the fresh air and throwing the ball for Harley while we chatted. AH was with me for the first 5 minutes but didn’t recognise her voice, so he escaped to the house to give me privacy.

Today (Saturday) I had some more alone time. I watched Moneyball on Netflix and enjoyed it very much.

This afternoon was footy and again I’m still doing very poorly in the tipping.

I did NOT watch the Olympic opening ceremony but by the sounds of it, it was very disappointing and regarded (on social media) as possibly the worst opening ceremony ever!

I’ve been flipping channels to catch some swimming and diving and the beach volleyball is about to start.

I will fall asleep with it on in the background because AH and I are leaving early in the morning for the Childers Cultural Festival so I need sleep.

Nite all.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Almost Normal

Wednesday was quiet and restful.

BGWLBH went to The Bay, Adoring Husband spent quality time in the yard working on his “to do” list and I triked to Heart of Gold’s house to give her the castor oil that I’d forgotten to give her on Tuesday, then rode to the shops where I bought meat for dinner and a few groceries from the supermarket.

It was Adoring Husband’s turn to cook dinner but he had no ideas so I suggested shepherd’s pie. He did a great job and we each enjoyed our own little casserole dish of pie.

I’ve been sleeping soundly at night and napping lightly during the day so my body has been healing nicely.

Today (Thursday) I even did some housework and a few loads of washing.

I washed Harley’s bedding and almost made a whole new Harley with all the dog hair on the carpet and in his bedding!

I packaged up a parcel of goodies to send to my Melbourne family.

I counted $46 in 5c, 10c and 20c pieces from a money tin in my wardrobe.

I finally bagged the pile of clothes that I’d decluttered from my wardrobe weeks ago that had been sitting on the floor all that time.

It was a solid 3 hours of housework, after which I cooked myself some GF dim sims for lunch and then planted my butt on the couch.

AH had driven into town to lodge his final health care claim for the DBS surgery. It took 8 weeks and 6 phone calls to get the neurologist’s office to email the final invoice. Yesterday’s phone call was the last straw and AH let out all of his frustrations at the receptionist.

Within the hour, he had the result he’d hoped for.

I made large lamb curry puffs for dinner …

… accompanied by rocket, pear and haloumi salad. They were delicious and everyone went back for seconds, even me!

We played trivia for an hour.

Now, I am absolutely beat.

Nite all.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Heart of Gold

At 10am, Heart of Gold pulled into my driveway to pick me up for our planned play date.

Because we are so well known in our community, we decided to drive over to Howard for coffee at the Naughty Coffee Cafe, so that there would be less chance of being interrupted by well meaning locals.

Unfortunately, we arrived to discover that the cafe was closed!

So we drove up to the supermarket to visit an old friend (who used to work at our local post office) who haven’t seen for a year. She was very busy so we didn’t get to chat for long, but I left with a tentative lunch plan for some time in the not too distant future.

We decided to head over to Bambooland for coffee.

It’s so lovely there. The sound of wind blowing through the bamboo plants, the birds singing, the water features trickling away and the sunlight filtering through the tall bamboo.

We found a table in partial sunlight and sat with our chai and tea chatting away for an hour or so.

From there, we did a quick stop at the op shop in Howard and returned to the supermarket to purchase the CoYo dairy free ice cream that I’d spotted earlier.

When we arrived at home, Heart of Gold came in to check out the big bag of shoes that I’d decluttered from my shoe drawers. She selected 4 pairs, all of which I’d only worn once and also accepted a beautiful black evening top that I offered.

It was a lovely morning but it left me feeling drained. Two weeks of illness has taken its toll and my body has pretty low stamina right now. I’m too old for this s#@t.

Home made pizzas for dinner tonight. Easy and quick.

Two mentions for tomorrow.

Bubbles is celebrating her 40th birthday in Sydney with her BFF. I can’t believe my baby is 40!

I know she’ll have the best time with her BFF. They have a strong connection and unbreakable bond that is hard to find in friendships. They are lucky to have each other.

Happy birthday Bubbles.

The second is a celebration of life for The Duchess.

I was hoping to be well enough to attend that celebration with Best Cousin in the World but there’s no way I could manage ten hours of travel as well as a couple of hours of high emotion.

Instead, from afar, I’m sending my love to her family, letting them know that they are in my thoughts and I feel sad that I can’t be with them. Warmest hugs to you all.

Nite all.

Monday, July 22, 2024


Drove into The Bay.

Shopped til we dropped.

Nothing interesting, just food and necessities.

No meditation tomorrow because, unfortunately, The Gypsy has come down with a bug.

Now I’m tired. I would like to snuggle into this bed …

Nite all.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


I am feeling less sick, but more tired and lethargic.

It takes so much mental energy to walk into the back yard to play with Harley, even more of it to get out of bed in the mornings.

I have no motivation to do anything.

The lingering cough is annoying.

Today, BGWLBH drove into The Bay and Adoring Husband worked mowing all morning.

So I had a couple of hours of peace and quiet.

I watched the movie “The Client” an oldie but a goodie, then “Find Me Falling” with Harry Connick Jnr. I enjoyed them both.

The footy was on all afternoon.

I cooked potato nests filled with capsicum, carrot, zucchini, shallots, mushroom, garlic, chilli and egg then topped with sliced tomato and grated cheese.

They were quite delicious.

I served them with spinach, pumpkin, haloumi, pear and pinenut salad, rice salad and garden salad.

Now it’s 11.30pm and it’s time to sleep.

Nite all.