I woke before my alarm sounded this morning. It was 4.50am.
We agreed to leave between 6am-8am.
With all the fear mongering on mainstream TV and social media, we weren’t sure about how much rain and wind would affect our trip home or whether traffic would be heavy with people trying to escape Brisbane and Gold Coast, so the decision was made to leave Sunny Coast early.
The trip home was easy with very little traffic, no wind and a very brief light shower before Tiaro.
It was windier on the way down on Sunday!
While we were away, it rained for about 30 minutes on the first morning that we shopped and then very early on Wednesday morning - enough to wet the road - and then nothing.
Only the heavy surf indicated trouble out to sea.
We left at 6.18am, stopped at Tiaro for coffee and were home before 9am.
I texted Adoring Husband from Torbanlea asking him to cook us bacon and eggs - he was dishing it up as we arrived. Perfect timing!
He’s a good man.
We’d eaten breakfast, unpacked our suitcases and laying on our beds exhausted by 10.30am
I cuddled with Harley on my bed most of the day, dozing on and off until it was play time.
I heated up spaghetti sauce and we ate spag bol for dinner. There was leftover gelato from sunny coast for dessert and STILL some leftover for tomorrow!
So glad I froze water bottles to keep it frozen until we arrived home.
So … holiday is over … but I hope to have a solo trip in late May, early June.
I am SO looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. Even though the bed was very comfortable in our accommodation, I couldn’t sleep to the sound of loud angry surf crashing all night. Normal surf is lovely to sleep to - but not angry surf.
Nite all.