Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Settled at Home.

Going nowhere. Doing nothing.

This is The Bay ...

No warning and a LOT of rain in a short period of time caught everyone unawares.

The Gypsy is stuck in her first floor flat surrounded by water and without power. Tomorrow will be day three without power for her.

Very little rain for us today, but The Bay received another 25mm.

We'll wait a few days before attempting to head into The Bay.

The nail salon where BGWLBH has her nails done was completely flooded so it will be a couple of weeks before they reopen.

We know our newsagent was damaged but we don't know how badly or how long it will be until they reopen.

Stocklands was closed today.

A few places along Boat Harbour Drive were inundated.

The Reject Shop and Woollies were flooded on Torquay Road.

We've seen plenty of photos of flooded streets but not much information on businesses damaged so we don't know who will be open for business nor when.

Such a terrible time for people all over SE QLD and northern NSW.

I know my brother is safe in Yandina. My Aunty Jackie is safe in Brisbane. My niece is ok just north of Brisbane. My son-in-law is ok on Gold Coast - he sustained a little damage in his business, but he and the family are safe.

I have other friends and family - like Lady Lynn and Happy Harry - I hope that no news is good news. Cousin Nellie in Brisbane. Rebel Mardi and The Lifesaver on Sunny Coast. Aunty C at Mt Gravatt.

I would normally contact most of those people through Facebook and Messenger, but my FB and Instagram were hacked and Meta have kicked me out of social media.

I had no intention of fixing these problems but I have three other accounts attached and a stack of photos that need to be deleted so I'm considering following up.

It's now almost 11pm so I need to sleep.

Nite all.   

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Unexpected That Was!

191mm of rain in 6 hours!

That was intense!

The shed out the back had some water flow through and tomorrow, Adoring Husband will check for any damage to his stuff.

The room with the pool pump also had some water inundation so that will need to be checked too.

I don't think there will be too much to worry about.

Hervey Bay copped over 400mm too!

Aside from that, we've also had our email passwords cancelled by Telstra claiming that our account had been compromised so AH spent almost 5 hours on the phone trying to get his fixed.

I was so frustrated and annoyed by the trouble he had that I decided to leave mine until tomorrow. I knew that I was 'on the edge' of a massive brain explosion, so I made a choice conducive to my continued good mental health!

I watched two movies today. "Thelma" with June Squibb, which I loved and "Burlesque" with Cher and Christina Aguilera which I've seen before but I love it.

Melbourne Storm annihilated Parramatta Eeels this afternoon.

I did a baked dinner tonight. Leg of lamb, potato, sweet potato, carrot, onion, green beans, snow peas and broccoli with home made gravy.

Very healthful.

I finished the evening with MAFS and it's already after 10pm so it's time to sleep.

Nite all.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Gently Does It

I'm still trying to catch up on four nights of poor sleep.

I've slept well for the two nights that I've been in my own bed but this afternoon I needed a nap - which lasted for over two hours - but it was lovely.

It's now almost 11pm and I think I will fall asleep instantly.

I didn't get out of bed until almost 9am today so by then, Harley was hanging out to play. 

I made myself a chicken, red onion and avocado bread roll for breakfast and watched a few episodes of Great British Sewing Bee.

At lunch time, Adoring Husband decided to cook his 'fend for yourself' dinner.

Harley is terrified when we cook so he immediately hid behind AH's lounge chair. I decided to take him into my bedroom and chose that time to have my nap. He felt much safer in there.

We had our play time in the afternoon and I crumbed and cooked prawn cutlets for my 'fend for yourself' dinner. BGWLBH had already made her dinner while I was still napping.

The footy was on and I watched Bulldogs defeat St George and then Manly defeated Cowboys.

Then we came to bed and I've been watching YouTube videos of funny animals and people cooking special recipes. 

Now it's time to sleep.

Nite all.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Back to the Grind

After being away for 5 days, we were in need of a decent grocery shop so BGWLBH and I drove into The Bay today and did just that.

We were worried that the shelves would be bare because of panic buying, but as usual, the news is fear mongering. There was no panic buying on the Sunshine Coast while we were there and all the shelves were full in Coles today, including milk and bread.

The footage they showed of Maroochydore beach yesterday was absolute BS. We drove past that beach on the way out of town and it was fine. I reckon they are showing old footage to scare people.

There have been photos of trees down and power lines down on the Gold Coast - Palm Beach and Burleigh Heads, but Adoring Husband's son is down there and having closed his shop at Runaway Bay after cyclone warnings, he was getting bored at home and said he was going to buy a kite! No rain and no strong winds at that stage.

Cyclone Alfred is now expected to cross the coast tomorrow lunch time ... it changes with every bloody report and I don't blame people for getting annoyed. 

In the beginning, it was supposed to cross at Rockhampton, then Bundaberg, then Rainbow Beach, then Sunshine Coast, then Brisbane, now the Gold Coast. Never in the history of cyclones, has there been so much doubt and uncertainty about the direction of a cyclone.

But don't get me started.

We are watching the football tonight. I was disappointed when Wests Tigers lost by only 2 points to Newcastle Knights.

Now South Sydney are playing Dolphins and are winning 12-4 at halftime. Still a long way to go. I tipped South Sydney.

I slept beautifully in my own bed last night and I hope to do the same tonight.

Nite all.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

It’s All Over

I woke before my alarm sounded this morning. It was 4.50am.

We agreed to leave between 6am-8am.

With all the fear mongering on mainstream TV and social media, we weren’t sure about how much rain and wind would affect our trip home or whether traffic would be heavy with people trying to escape Brisbane and Gold Coast, so the decision was made to leave Sunny Coast early.

The trip home was easy with very little traffic, no wind and a very brief light shower before Tiaro.

It was windier on the way down on Sunday!

While we were away, it rained for about 30 minutes on the first morning that we shopped and then very early on Wednesday morning - enough to wet the road - and then nothing.

Only the heavy surf indicated trouble out to sea.

We left at 6.18am, stopped at Tiaro for coffee and were home before 9am.

I texted Adoring Husband from Torbanlea asking him to cook us bacon and eggs - he was dishing it up as we arrived. Perfect timing!

He’s a good man.

We’d eaten breakfast, unpacked our suitcases and laying on our beds exhausted by 10.30am

I cuddled with Harley on my bed most of the day, dozing on and off until it was play time.

I heated up spaghetti sauce and we ate spag bol for dinner. There was leftover gelato from sunny coast for dessert and STILL some leftover for tomorrow!

So glad I froze water bottles to keep it frozen until we arrived home.

So … holiday is over … but I hope to have a solo trip in late May, early June.

I am SO looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. Even though the bed was very comfortable in our accommodation, I couldn’t sleep to the sound of loud angry surf crashing all night. Normal surf is lovely to sleep to - but not angry surf.

Nite all.