Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Remember Lolly?

Remember Lolly, the little Tawny Fogmouth chick that I attempted to save a couple o month ago?  Here is her sole surviving sibling ...

... and then on my morning ride, brief as it was, this was my top shot.

Now I am truly tired after an afternoon with friends drinking a few glasses of wine.

A good time was had by all.

Nite all.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Better Attitude

Today was a better day.

I got a hair cut.

I didn't cook.

OB (the cockatiel) had a quiet day.

We had a lucky table at the club tonight (congratulations Lady Lynn!)

Adoring Husband won a frozen chicken, but when we got home and read the ingredients list - who'da thunk there could be so much rubbish in a frozen chook!

The ingredients list was about 15 items long and included sugar and preservatives and numbers and was only 82% chicken ... 18% other crap.  No good for us.  Disappointing.

We also won a $15 voucher for the local supermarket ... that's always handy!

I also have a keno ticket in my purse that could possibly be lucky.

Now there is rain, lots of rain, heading in our direction.

No photos to share and no other news ... besides ... it's Friday ... and you know how I am on Fridays.

Nite all.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bad Attitude

Here is a very interesting read, which explains why today's wheat doesn't compare to the wheat we consumed 30 years ago.  If it gets too heavy or intense for you, go to the bottom of the article for the list and explanation of wheat free options.  You will find that interesting too.

Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat (Opinion) 

I've had a miserable day today.

Nothing bad happened.

Do you ever open your eyes in the morning, and just know that you've got a bad attitude, and after you get out of bed, you just can't shake it?  

Everything rubs you the wrong way and every tiny little annoyance seems like the biggest drama?

That's the kind of day I had.

Adoring Husband bore the brunt of it and I was mean and evil and bitter and twisted all day.

There were also a few hiccups during the day that didn't improve my mood any.  

So I'm looking forward to going to bed and sleeping this mood away tonight .. hopefully, I will wake up in a happier frame of mind tomorrow.

One photo to share from the wedding.  I definitely prefer The Nikonian's photo of the wedding rings, but I think this is nice enough to share here.

Now I think I will go treat myself to a Cherry Ripe Delight.

Nite all.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Photos galore

As I was leaving the Seat of Knowledge this morning, a Whistling Kite began circling above.  It circled lower and lower until this happened...

A macro shot from the back garden of a jumping spider ...

A butterfly from the front garden ...

and here is another wedding photo from our shoot in Coffs ...

I picked up my new prescription sunglasses today.  They are polarised and the difference between my old sunglasses and these, is amazing!  Very happy!

Nite all.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Personal Observations

At morning tea with the girls today, we were discussing the value of coconut oil and how effective it is as an antibiotic, and as a natural sunscreen, among other things.

Afterwards, when I arrived home, I sat down at my computer and co-incidentally, stumbled across this story ...

Natural Cures Not Medicine: Man Reverses Alzheimers Symptoms Using Coconut Oil...: Some of Steve Newport’s symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease reversed, thanks to the unlikely treatment prescribed by his wife,...

The more I read about coconut oil, the more excited I become about it... especially with regards to Adoring Husband's Parkinsons Disease, and possible positive effects that it may have.

So go to the above link and watch the video attached ... I bet you will be as amazed as I was.

I want to share an observation now.

Those of you who know me, know that I like to observe people, analyse their behaviour and figure out who they really are and why they are the way they are.

I was like this even as a kid, and in my teens, considered social work as a career option.  Alas, my priorities changed and none of my career considerations (of which there were a few) ever came to fruition.

My first mother-in-law (yes I know you're there!) gave me some amazing insights into the human psyche and into MY psyche.

We had quite a few in depth chats, in my early 20s, and I remember many light bulb moments during our discussions.

Anyway, this is what I have observed recently.

Most men, the ones who have always felt strong and empowered throughout their lives...

...the males who have not experienced physical/sexual/mental abuse...

...the males whose life choices were always supported by their family and friends...

...the males who never had to second guess themselves and who's lives were pretty smooth sailing - aside from the standard financial hiccups,  work stresses and maybe a marriage breakdown along the way...

...these males never seem to question authority.  They seem to gain more strength from following, and agreeing with, other men, especially when those other men hold 'so-called' positions of power.

They don't question (and I'm using my favourite subject as an example) their medical treatment - in fact, they have complete trust in the medical profession, which is predominantly male based.

They have 100% trust, faith and belief that their male Doctor is giving them the perfect diagnosis, perfect advice and perfect medication.

They never question, disagree with or criticise their Doctor and are generally bemused by anyone who suggests that they should.

On the other hand...

...males who have suffered abuse in some form or another...

...the males whose power has been taken from them at some point in their lives, through physical/sexual/mental/emotional abuse...

...the males whose 'support system' has been questionable...

...the males who have broken free...

...they seem to question EVERYTHING and they ask different questions...

...they seem to search for different answers...

...they seem to know that the world around us is much bigger than what they see or what they are being 'shown' and they look beyond the 'mainstream' to find answers.

Observing people through social media, gives a different insight altogether and you could just about put a line down the middle of your monitor, placing 'mainstream/conditioned' humans on one side and 'curious/nonconformist' humans on the other.

My observation is that people whose power has never been taken from them, are blind followers, and they subconsciously conform ... maybe it's the 'strength in numbers' scenario.

People whose personal power has been taken from them at some time in their lives, but they have broken free, are less trusting of the information that is put before them.  They may not do it confidently or overtly, but they question almost everything.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule - not everybody falls into my categories - but these have been my recent observations.

Honestly, we laugh at the TV show 'Big Brother', but the whole world is one big social experiment and is so interesting if you just stop, look and listen.

One more thing for you to consider on this fine Tuesday, with Christmas and associated gift giving just around the corner ...

Nite all.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Back to School

I'm sending Adoring Husband back to school.

I was just telling BGWLBH about our trip to Bundaberg.

We attended AH's Specialist Appointment today and were charged $135 for 15 minutes.

This equates to:

For 1 hour = $540
For an 8 hour day = $4320
For a 5 day week = $21600
Less one month holiday
For a year = $1,036,800

Ok, so we really should give him an hour for lunch every day, my calculations are a teensy bit out.

But seriously?

That's a lot of money for a trained monkey!

Nite all.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Close Call

I watched it coming on the BOM radar and from the front lawn.

I heard it coming, firstly with the low rolling thunder and then the loud cracking thunder that followed the bright stark lightning bolts that broke free from the black clouds and slammed straight down to the ground!

But when I saw this photo in facebook ...

Photography by Sarah Slattery
THAT'S when I began to worry!

Not long after that, I very gingerly found my way outside to capture this ...

... right above our house!  I can't tell you how afraid I was!

The storm lasted a long time and I was feeling terrified until I could hear the thunder finally fading into the distance.

So I survived my first big storm since the tornado in January.  I think that takes me a step closer to healing my post traumatic stress.

I know I'll still be afraid when the next storm rolls in, but I'm sure that eventually, the fear will fade into insignificance, and I'll get through them without a second thought.

On a brighter and happier note ... THIS arrived in my email today, from Vegan Chickie.

I get to see her again next Monday :)  *happy dance*

Nite all.