Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year


  • Closed my business
  • Attended a “Know Your Rights” rally
  • Reconnected with a (deceased) x-boyfriend’s family
  • Created a new art space in the double garage
  • Created 6 new pieces of art
  • Spent LOTS of time with my BFF
  • Created a number of raised garden beds full of fruit and veg
  • Spent five days on the Sunny Coast with my BFF
  • Spent a day with Bubbles
  • Built the new carport
  • Gained Harley the Border Collie
  • Had a surprise visit from my sister who I hadn’t seen for 9 years
  • Lost Colli, the not so psychotic dog
  • Remained proudly unvaccinated and in excellent physical health
I have to say that I am not a fan of 2022 and I struggled to find positive things to put on that list. In previous years I’ve been excited to list all the great things that happened but 2022 was a non event.

I’m going to gently ease my way into 2023 and at the end of it I hope to have much to celebrate!

My word for the year is “EQUANIMITY” - mental calmness, composure and evenness of temper.

I am yet to create my vision board but I’ll give myself a week to manifest that one.

In the meantime my hope is that you face 2023 with an open heart and an open mind, that you discover truth where you least expect it and that your body finds a way to strengthen the weaknesses that befall it. Let there be happiness and contentment in your life and enough positive challenges to keep you interested and excited. May your friendships strengthen and allow love into your heart.

Hugs to you all.

Nite all.

Friday, December 30, 2022


Our town and The Bay are absolutely chockers full of tourists!

The caravan parks are bursting at the seams and there are a million kids tearing around on scooters and bikes, most of them not wearing helmets or protection.

While checking the post office this afternoon, I feared for my safety as eight kids of varying ages swept past me in very close proximity on the footpath outside the local supermarket.

I think I will avoid the area for the next couple of weeks and venture back out when the crowds thin.

BGWLBH and I went to the nail salon today and were very impressed with our new manicurists. Very professional with much better care taken than the previous salon.

My pedicure was the best I’ve had for a couple of years. Maytwo gave me an amazing leg and foot massage and she was very friendly and just the right amount of ‘chatty’.

We will definitely return.

We did some shopping before and after our appointments but I didn’t get to spend my vouchers. There were just too many people (aka tourists) to contend with.

Adoring Husband babysat Harley who apparently was a very good boy.

I took Harley out to the pool soon after I arrived home and he sat in the water on the top step for about 5 minutes before stepping out, shaking himself off and then rolling in the grass (as they do).

Just enough to cool down.

After dinner I played fetch with him until he gave up.

I had a stack of beef mince, ox liver and brisket bones to divide up into Harley meal sizes which took about 30 minutes and three loaves of bread to divide into 2 slice per ziplock bag to freeze, which also took some time.

AH cooked up the usual chicken wings for Friday night dinner.

It’s now after 9pm and I’m exhausted.

I’m pretty sure we’ll be having a playful time in the art room tomorrow so I need a restful nights sleep - unlike last night which was very restless for me - courtesy of a coffee I’d had at 11am. Caffeine runs through your system for about 12 hours so it was around 11am when I fell asleep but I woke up 3 times during the night.

I’m yawning like crazy so it’s sleep time for me.

Nite all.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Christmas Gifts

This evening, BGWLBH and I opened our Christmas gifts to each other.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to do so on Christmas Day or Boxing Day and then we wanted to wait until the stars aligned.

Today, they aligned.

Having received very generous gift vouchers from my two favourite shops - Tinkerbell’s and Office Works, I feel very spoilt and can’t wait to spend them! She knows me so well.

I did some more of my art today but forgot to take a pic.

Harley and I spent some time floating around the pool …

We played fetch a lot.

Adoring Husband spent a good portion of the day mowing lawns for work and at home.

Basic chicken and salads for dinner tonight.

Tomorrow we have nail salon appointments again (at a different salon) so let’s hope that goes more smoothly than last week!

It’s way past my sleep time now.

Nite all.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

On The Up

Today was an improvement.

At 6am I took Harley for a short walk on the leash. He behaved well.

I made some tea and toast for breakfast and spent about 30 minutes in the art space starting this …

At 8am a message came through from the art girls to see if anyone was going to the park, so I decided to pop down for a bit. 

At 8.40am I rode to the park with Harley sitting in the rear basket of my trike. He was very good and I think he quite enjoys it but I’m worried about him slipping his paws into the spokes of the rear wheels.

He likes to put his paws on the top edge of the basket so that he can see where we are going and it wouldn’t take much for them to slip.

We met a couple of the art girls and chatted for about 90 minutes.

Harley was very good because being school holidays, there were lots of dogs, kids on bikes and scooters and adults with strollers. He was very inquisitive but sat watching it all with his tail wagging happily. No barking and no pulling on the leash to chase.

I was impressed.

We rode home a bit after 10.30am.

I made BGWLBH some bacon and eggs and did some more art with my new pastel pencils for about an hour. So far …

I made a fruit smoothie for everyone and took Harley out to the pool where he had a short swim and we played fetch for a while.

I did some washing and sat to watch my quiz shows.

Harley had another swim and played more fetch before we started dinner.

He hasn’t slept much today and has been a bit more active than usual so I hope he sleeps longer tonight. He’s been sleeping a bit longer each night and it was after 5am when he had me up this morning. He also doesn’t cry to get up, he moves around in his crate and waits til I’m ready to get up.

He has very good bladder control for a puppy.

Bangers and mash for dinner and we should be in bed in the next 30 minutes.

I hope that tomorrow will be an art day before I win $100million in Powerball in the evening!

Nite all.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


I hope that 2023 brings a positive light on our lives.

This year has really sucked.

I usually have a long list of achievements and experiences to brag about and to be proud of, but this year has been quite the opposite and I have felt like a complete misery guts for almost the entire year.

There have been some dark days and I have really struggled trying to act like a normal human and it has taken real effort but I guess the fact that I have even attempted to make the effort says a lot.

I’ve avoided most human contact but have pushed myself to connect with my art girls on a weekly basis. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to make up an excuse to not go.

Anyway, I need to change my attitude and find some reasons to look forward to 2023.

Perhaps I’ll make a bucket list.

I spent quite a lot of time with Harley today …

I also spent time in my art space hoping for inspiration … it eluded me.

Now it’s time to sleep.

Nite all.

Monday, December 26, 2022