Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Much Improved

Today was a better day.

It’s amazing what a difference a shower and some fresh, clean clothes can make!

I was out of bed by 9am, spent time in the sunshine morning, noon and afternoon, cooked myself a poached egg on toast for breakfast and stayed up until 3pm when I returned to bed.

My head is much clearer. Less sneezing. Dry nose. Light coughing. My sense of smell has returned, as has my appetite.

I’m definitely on the up and up.

Just in time for the important tennis matches.

I’m currently watching Alcaraz vs Medvedev. Later I’ll watch Djokovic vs Musetti.

Obviously, I have nothing newsworthy

Adoring Husband and BGWLBH went for a drive out to Farm Gate this afternoon and came home overloaded with fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs and honey.

We go through approximately 2 dozen eggs per week and 1kg of honey each month.

Anyway, time to focus on the tennis.

Nite all.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Wasted Days & Wasted Nights

It’s not been a pleasant week.

I began to feel ill on Monday afternoon and even though the colloidal silver quickly healed my sore throat, I have still suffered with a runny nose, sneezing, a slight cough, a fuzzy head and lethargy.

I have stayed in bed for the entire week and will probably remain in bed tomorrow (Friday).

The sunshine got my attention for 30 minutes this morning and 20 minutes this afternoon. I hope these small doses of vitamin D help my healing.

On Monday, BGWLBH and I have our first whale watching trip booked so I simply MUST be well by then!

Both BGWLBH and Adoring Husband drove into The Bay (separately) today. BGWLBH bought me a gift …

It’s a State of Origin chair rug. It’s so soft and snug and cozy. I love it! Best gift ever!

I made myself a flu bomb (hot water, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, Manuka honey, cayenne pepper and eucalyptus oil) this morning.

At lunch I made a pineapple, orange, strawberry and passionfruit smoothie.

AH heated up my chicken broth for dinner and served it with toast.

I will attempt to watch some tennis tonight. I’ve missed so much this week but I REALLY want to see Djokovic play on Friday night. He was lucky that De Minaur withdrew due to injury and he is now straight into the semi finals.

Might make myself an anti-inflammatea and snuggle under my new fluffy chair rug for the tennis.

Nite all.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Big Fat Blah

I slept through most of the tennis last night.

I watched De Minaur win but fell asleep before the beginning of the Djokovic match.

When I woke up, I attempted to sign into STAN to watch the tennis but I couldn’t connect to the internet! The only way I could watch it was to connect with my iPad to my phone’s hotspot. So frustrating!

I only got to watch the last set and a half. Thankfully Djokovic won.

I have been quite unwell all day.

I have a cold/flu thingy. Lots of sneezing, runny nose, sometimes blocked nose, an annoying niggling cough, heavy eyes and lethargy.

So no meditation for me today.

Lots of sleep. Lots of filtered water. Colloidal silver (which has fixed my sore throat). Lots of rest.

Tomorrow I’ll focus on bone broth, fresh juices and a flu bomb or two - hot water, lemon juice, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, honey, eucalyptus oil and cayenne pepper.

It’s time for me to cut my sugar again. I eat a LOT of sugar these days and quite obviously, my body and immune system is getting weaker. I have been sick 4 or 5 times this year, which is very unlike me. I need to start showing myself some love and focus on strengthening my health.

I am currently watching a young New Zealand qualifier play her quarter final match at Wimbledon. It’s the first time any female from NZ has reached the quarter finals. This is the first time I’ve seen her play and she’s a tough little player. Her name is Lulu Sun and she’s ranked 123 in the world. Definitely one to watch.

Alcaraz plays tonight and so does Sinner.

I won’t be watching. I need to get my sleep and be well rested to watch De Minaur play Djokovic tomorrow night!

Adoring Husband has been checking in on me during the day and brought me some tea and toast at lunch time.

He heated up some mushroom soup for my dinner but my body rejected it 2.5 hours later. Ugh 😩 

Harley’s mum had 11 puppies today!

Isn’t she clever?

I did some ZEN colouring in …

If you believe this, you need your head read …

Nite all.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bless Me

Got a sore throat and a runny nose.

Could be from lack of sleep and being run down (bloody tennis) or maybe I found somebody’s germs - like Adoring Husband’s - who has been coughing and blowing his nose ever since he returned from surgery!

I didn’t stay up watching tennis last night but I did see the beginning of the Alcaraz match before I fell asleep.

I didn’t sleep soundly and I struggled to get comfortable in the middle of the night. I slept with the fan on so I must have been starting to get sick last night, running a bit of a temperature! Makes sense.

This morning I got up after 9am and took Harley out to play before making my own breakfast and sitting down to watch my recorded shows.

I received a message from The Gypsy booking in a ZOOM call for 11.30am and that took three hours of the afternoon. She’s unable to hang around after meditation on Tuesday so we had a catch up over ZOOM.

If I’m still feeling sickly in the morning, I may have to miss meditation anyway!

I am currently watching Alex De Minaur play the Frenchman, Arthur Fils at Wimbledon. De Minaur won the first set but is losing the second set 2-0.

Djokovic plays at 2am so it’s going to be a long night for me.

I had cauliflower and broccoli soup for dinner. AH cooked lemon chicken with vegetables for he and BGWLBH.

We played trivia for an hour and watched Dream Home before bed time.

Now I have to figure out how to stay awake all night 😝

I’m yawning my head off as I type this 🥴

Nite all.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sleep Deprived

My alarm woke me at 2am but the Djokovic/Popyrin match didn’t start until about 2.30am and finished at about 6am.

Djokovic won in four sets. Popyrin played well.

I slept from then until about 8am.

At 9am I got up and made BGWLBH’s breakfast, played with Harley for half an hour and then I returned to bed with my bacon and egg sandwich and cup of tea.

I stayed in bed all day, dozing on and off, journalling, watching the football in the afternoon and trying to motivate myself to get up to cook dinner.

Crispy skin chicken with a spicy orange sauce, potato and sweet potato garlic mash, green beans and fresh peas for dinner. I had half an orange.

It rained a lot today.

In the last week, we’ve had 60+ mm of rain which is a nice number and has turned everything green.

I don’t think I’ll be staying up to watch tennis tonight. I might see the beginning of the Alcaraz match but I want to save myself for the next Djokovic match and Di Minaur should be playing on the same night as well.

Unfortunately, I’ll have to get up for meditation on Tuesday morning … I’ll see how I go.

Time to sleep now.

Nite all.