Today was the 27th anniversary of my father’s passing. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
I spent almost the entire day in bed, journaling.
It has been very relaxing, which I definitely needed after such a big week of spring cleaning, decluttering and marketing.
I was only out of bed to play with Harley and to cook dinner.
Dinner was three different meals tonight.
For myself I baked two small potatoes in their jackets served with butter and sour cream. I had some fresh pineapple and a small serve of honey soy stir fry chicken and vegetables.
For BGWLBH I served the honey soy stir fry chicken and vegetables with a sweet potato baked in its jacket which had goats cheese and balsamic fig vinegar.
Adoring Husband enjoyed two sweet potatoes. One with roasted cherry tomatoes and spicy turkey mince. One with goats cheese, honey soy vegetables and spicy turkey mince. He ate both and then requested a serving of honey soy stir fry chicken and vegetables.
AH and I watched the last of day three of the test cricket before retiring to bed.
My bedroom …
Last night, Harley had a successful night with his cage door open.
He started on the floor beside me, later moving to the foot of the bed and at some stage before 3am he moved into his bed where he remained until I got up to pee at 5.30am. I then invited him onto my bed where he fell asleep until 7.30am.
Tonight, he thought he would start ON my bed, but I soon put a stop to that. I’ll train him to only be on my bed in the morning and only after being invited.
He’s had a little nap at the ensuite door, then a little nap at the bedroom door and now he is in his bed.
Now it’s time for me to sleep.
Nite all.