Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Very Tired

I tried to sleep early last night because I needed to wake up at 6am to be ready at 7am for another trip into The Bay.

I struggled to get to sleep and I’m pretty sure it was close to 1am when I finally dozed off.

It was tough getting out of bed but I managed it.

We stopped at Zaraffa’s drive through for coffee, but I wasn’t fussed with it. It was very weak, flavourless coffee and neither of us have any inclination to return.

Kmart got my attention this morning and I bought some little outfits for Hazel and some arty gifts for BGWLBH. I also spent some time in QBD bookstore and purchased something that I desperately needed (NOT) - three new journals.

From Stocklands, I walked to Pialba Square, which wasn’t as far as I thought. Being a cool day and most of the way down hill, it was quite a pleasant walk.

I browsed through BIG W, the lady’s boutique, Rivers and Choice. I needed to put lotto on and when I checked my tickets from last week, I had won $69! Wahoo!

It was after lunch by the time BGWLBH was finished with the hairdressers. Almost 4 hours! She has a LOT of thick hair.

We arrived home in time to watch the football and it is “fend for yourself” night for dinner so I didn’t have to worry about cooking. I threw some chicken wings in the oven for myself and the others fended for themselves.

Djokovic plays the Aussie, Popyrin at 2am in the morning so I’m going to set my alarm and try to sleep until then.

I found some pics of Harley as a little puppy…

How cute was he!? Still is 😍

Nite all.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Glass

The glazier arrived bright and early this morning and did a marvellous job of replacing the glass in the sliding door.

I had to wake Adoring Husband because he’d gone back to bed and had fallen asleep!

We asked the young guy to give us a quote to install sliding doors where the roller door of the double garage is, but the quote hasn’t come through yet. We’ve been meaning to get this done for two years but our finances seem to get unexpectedly redirected whenever we get close.

After he’d left, BGWLBH and I drove into The Bay where we picked up some keys and locks from the locksmith for AH and went to the supermarket, the butcher and fresh fruitnveg place at Eli Waters. We got fresh juice from Su Jus which was more delicious than usual.

At home, I unpacked our goodies, played with Harley and cooked Duck a l’orange with sweet potato and potato mash, green beans and caramelised pear.


We played some trivia before the football started. I think it’s only the second time this season that I’ve tipped the first game correctly! I was flipping channels between the tennis where De Minaur was playing and the footy where the Eels played Bunnies. Bunnies won, as did De Minaur.

Right now, I am sitting up in bed watching Djokovic play the young Brit, Fearnley.

Fearnley is only young and not very experienced but he’s putting on a good show against Djokovic. I think he is one to watch for the future.

There’s another Aussie playing right now and I’m watching the scores on my iPad. Popyrin is playing the Argentinian, Etheverry. They have one set each.

It might be a late one for me tonight.

It’s almost midnight. I’m off to cheer Djokovic on.

Nite all.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Too Old

Yes, I am getting too old for this “staying awake all night watching tennis” nonsense!

On the days after I’ve stayed awake watching tennis, am incapable of functioning as a grown adult.

Basically, I am rather zombified and my decision making skills are considerably dulled.

Today, however, I was shocked into an awakened state when Adoring Husband threw up a rock with the lawn mower and smashed the glass in the fixed panel of the sliding door into my art space …

Luckily, and for the hefty price of $820, Jack’s Glass in the Bay are able to fix it tomorrow morning at 8.30am. I will share my review in tomorrow’s blog post.

AH had spent the morning in The Bay (for the 4th day in a row) and I spent the morning in a state of zombification.

It’s going to be an exhausting month because Wimbledon finishes on 14th July and the Olympics commence on 26th July!

For dinner, AH cooked chicken thigh fillets on the barbecue and served them with salad and chips done in the air fryer.

I’m enjoying my nights off from the kitchen.

We all played trivia for an hour and AH headed off to bed early.

I am in bed watching the tennis but won’t be staying up late tonight. It’s already 11pm but I need to catch up on some sleep. I’ll save myself for the Djokovic matches, the De Minaur matches and any other Aussies that squeeze their way through to the later rounds.

It’s been raining too - at Wimbledon AND here!

Nite all.


It was around 2am when I fell asleep.

I got to see the end of the Alcaraz match before falling asleep pretty much instantly.

At about 3am I woke gasping for air and my lungs burning from lack of oxygen. I’d had a nightmare where I was attempting to rescue a dog on the bottom of the pool and I was underwater for too long. It was a terrifying way to wake up and the bottom of my spine felt like a knife was piercing it.

It took a while to settle down and fall back to sleep.

Then my alarm woke me at 6.30am.

Not enough sleep, but I had to get up for meditation.

Because of the rain, Heart of Gold texted asking if I’d like a lift, which I gratefully accepted.

After meditation, The Gypsy and I drove to the beach where we sat in the car talking for an hour.

She dropped me home and I was starving! I made myself a sandwich and cup of tea, then sat down to watch my recorded shows.

I was hungry all day and ate often. For dinner I did roast lamb and vegetables with home made gravy.

No trivia tonight.

I’m in bed watching the Aussies, De Minaur and Duckworth play against each other.

Djokovic plays tonight but I’m not sure when. There has been rain at Wimbledon so play started late. I’m not sure how long I’ll last watching tennis tonight. So far, the Aussies are doing ok.

Nite all.

Monday, July 1, 2024

THAT Time Again

Bill Gates MRNA deal (click to see the story)

This is so true..

One thing you never realize when you are young is that when you age, your mind and spirit remain young. You feel young inside, but your young spirit looks at the world through the eyes of an aging shell. Inside we feel the same as we always have. We have more or less the same hopes and dreams and wishes and desires as we had when we are young. Our insides stay young. It’s just the outside that becomes old and frail. And as we become older, we become invisible, insignificant. We realize that more of our life is behind us than in front of us.

I read this once and have always remembered it

“I asked an elderly man once what it was like to be old and to know the majority of his life was behind him. He told me that he has been the same age his entire life. He said the voice inside his head had never aged. He has always just been the same boy. His mother’s son. He had always wondered when he would grow up and be an old man. He said he watched his body age and his faculties dull but the person he is inside never got tired. Never aged. Never changed.

Our spirits are eternal. Our souls are forever. The next time you encounter an elderly person, look at them and know they are still a child, just as you are still a child and children will always need love, attention, and purpose.”

Credit to the respective owner ✍️


The Aussie (Bolt) lost that match.

Now I’m watching the Lajal vs Alcaraz match and I really want to see it til the end but I have meditation in the morning and I need sleep!

Ugh 😩 

First world problems.

Nite all.

Kitchen Fun

When people talk listen completely. Don’t be thinking what you’re going to say. Most people never listen. Nor do they observe. You should be able to go into a room and when you come out know everything that you saw there and not only that. If that room gave you any feeling you should know exactly what it was that gave you that feeling. ~Ernest Hemingway 

(Book: Across the River and into the Trees

#ad #englishliterature #classic

I was going to say that I had a lazy day, but I was actually quite productive!

I cooked bacon and eggs for BGWLBH, played with Harley, gathered my ironing for BGWLBH to do, cooked mushroom & leek soup, cooked cauliflower, broccoli & leek soup, cooked zucchini slice, cooked apple pies from scratch, prepared a salad, boiled potatoes and made egg custard from scratch.

My apple pie …

It was great to have 3 games of footy to watch this afternoon too.

Adoring Husband drove into The Bay to buy a new iron, a filter for his coffee machine and some groceries. It was his first big drive since surgery and of course, all went well.

It’s well after midnight and I need to sleep!

Nite all.