Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Early Start

I woke at 5am and after a quick pee, I immediately turned on the TV in my bedroom.

I watched Ruud defeat Shang in 5 sets. Shang is from China, is 19 yrs of age and a brilliant tennis player. He may well become my new favourite when Djokovic retires.

I watched Tiafoe defeat Shelton in 5 sets. Tiafoe now plays our Aussie, Popyrin, in the next round.

I watched Popyrin defeat Djokovic in 4 sets. It was the worst I’ve ever seen Djokovic play and he served 14 double faults!!! Unheard of!! Popyrin played very well. He was confident, powerful and purposeful and I hope he plays that well against Tiafoe on Monday.

It was great watching 9 hours of tennis during my ‘somewhat’ normal waking hours.

There are Aussies playing from about 4am tomorrow. Thompson, O’Connell and De Minaur are up next. Poor O’Connell has to play number one in the world, Sinner. THAT should be interesting.

It’s been a losery kind of day for me with Djokovic going down AND the Brisbane Broncos getting thrashed by the Dolphins AND Cronulla Sharks getting pipped at the post by Warriors.

I got lots of play time in with Harley before, between and after the tennis and football.

Fend for yourself dinner was pretty boring tonight.

It’s 10pm and feels like midnight so sleep time for me.

Nite all.

Friday, August 30, 2024


We had the electricians here for quite some time today.

We needed to replace a kitchen light that was flickering. AH decided we needed an extra fluoro light outside - even though we don’t go outside after dark - and we had a couple of power points that were tripping out the power, so the electricians isolated them and we sorted out the problem.

An extension cord and two power boards had to be replaced.

$500+ thank you very much.

I was awake at 5am watching some Aussies play in the US Open tennis. Our winners were O’Connell, Thompson and De Minaur. Djokovic plays one of our Aussies, Popyrin, tomorrow morning.

So I’m feeling pretty weary at only 8.30pm tonight.

I crumbed some fresh snapper fillets for my breakfast this morning. Delicious.

Adoring Husband cooked up some very spicy chicken wings that left our mouths burning for quite some time after we’d eaten them. He didn’t seem to be affected by the heat - no sense, no feeling, so they say!

I spent almost two hours under the Bali hut while the sparkies were here. There was a lovely cool breeze and Harley got some extra play time so it wasn’t unpleasant.

I messaged Bubbles about her new job which seems to be going well.

Received a gorgeous pic of little Hazie …

I received snail mail from Chicklet! THAT was pretty exciting!

Nothing else happened.

Time to sleep in preparation of more tennis tomorrow!

Nite all.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

All Panelled Up

Had 16 solar panels removed from our roof and replaced with 24 brand newies today. New inverter installed as well and looking forward to seeing a huge reduction in our power bills.

BGWLBH and I spent the day in The Bay to avoid the noise and commotion of the installation.

We had breakfast at Bayaroma on the esplanade, which was delicious. I had French toast with bacon and maple syrup accompanied by a green smoothie. BGWLBH had poached egg and bacon with a pot of tea..

The food was great, the service was friendly and fast and the price was reasonable.

We drove all over town completing our ‘to do’ list and then had to stretch our day further because a broken solar panel meant the workers had to drive into the bay for a replacement and also meant the work was taking longer than planned.

It was a pretty tiring day and I’m looking forward to a nothing day tomorrow.

It’s after 11pm and I’d like to sleep now.

Nite all.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

De-slobbed Myself

After today’s effort, it’s possible that I could open a jewellery store, just with my own personal stash!

It took me three hours to sort through my jewellery, polish some of the silver pieces, clean out the jewellery boxes, dust off my dressing table, polish my mirror and replace everything on the dressing table.

I sorted the jewellery into three areas:

  1. Bin it!
  2. Sell as ‘pre-loved’.
  3. Keep.
I can’t tell you how horrific my dressing table was. I haven’t tidied or cleaned it for at least 18 months. 

There were MANY price tags from MANY items of clothing, scrunchies, pens, shopping lists, dockets and receipts, small ziplock bags, buttons, coins, essential oil bottles, empty perfume bottles, birthday cards, safety pins, sticky tape, notebooks, scissors, pegs, camera batteries, SD cards, ribbons, photos and more.

Yes. I am quite the slob. It’s my bedroom and nobody else enters it, except Harley, and he doesn’t care what it looks like.

My fingers and hands are SO sore! I think it’s from polishing the silver and the silver jewellery box. I used bits of my body that haven’t been used for quite some time. I think I’ll sleep well tonight.

The red leather jewellery box that I have, is broken and won’t close properly anymore. It was a gift from AH 20 yrs ago so it has served me well.

This is one that I’d like to replace it …

I love the colour!

I played with Harley before and after the jewellery/dressing table debacle. 

AH cooked snags on the new barbecue and I made the mash, beans, carrots and home made leek and tomato gravy to go with them.

We played trivia.

I cleared the area in my art space for the solar panel guys to reach the inverter when they instal the new solar panels tomorrow.

BGWLBH and I are escaping to The Bay so AH will be in charge.

Meanwhile I’m ready to sleep now.

Nite all.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Top Tuesday

It was difficult to leave my bed this morning but I timed it very well and squeezed in a shower, got dressed, added make up, filled my water bottle, counted the correct money out, grabbed my phone, sunglasses and hat, pedalled off on my trike and arrived 3 minutes before meditation commenced.

The hour passed very quickly!

I followed that with hoopqigongxercise which was pretty intense.

Because I’d had a whole class for myself last week, I was well practiced and had perfected most of the moves so I was basically doing my thing in the corner while The Gypsy instructed the newbies.

There was lots of laughter, accidental dropping and tossing of hoops, losing balance and all sense of direction. We all had fun, but I may have overdone it.

I stopped at the shops before returning to an empty house (except for Harley).

BGWLBH and Adoring Husband had driven into The Bay because AH needed to have a BCC surgically removed from his face. The procedure went well. He has a patch under his eye and is taking Panadol for pain relief.

It was a peaceful few hours on my own. I washed the couch cover and replaced with fresh covers, cooked myself some lunch, played with Harley and watched some TV.

Since AH was a little under the weather, I decided on home made hamburgers for dinner.

We all played trivia for an hour and I watched The Voice.

I quite enjoyed this day.

Nite all.