Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Just a Fraction

There is still a fraction of an 'ugh' in my mouth. Just enough to be distracting.

It should be gone tomorrow.

I have nothing to share about my day, but I thought this video was a hoot! I hope it puts a smile on your face too.

I'm off to bed.

Nite all.

Friday, February 19, 2016

I See The Light!

Finally! Today was drug free and I feel like I am, at last, on the mend and healing beautifully. I will give today just one 'Ugh' and I expect to be 'Ugh' free from here on in.

I still kept it quiet. A trike ride to the Seat of Knowledge and then a trip to my local for coffee, but the rest of the day was spent on the couch with air conditioning and the fan keeping me cool.

I actually got to eat meat today (mince) and I can't tell you how satisfying that was! I am SO OVER fluids and smooth food that doesn't require chewing!

Only four of us at the club tonight, so it was quiet, intimate and lovely.

It's after 10pm and I'm off to bed for another early-ish night. One more good night of sleep should bring me to the height of health!

I wanted to share these colour charts with you. It's always fun redecorating .. even if it's just one corner of one room. These tips on colour can make all the difference.

The ultimate color combinations cheat sheet:

I hope that tomorrow, I can fall back into my routine and maybe get stuff done, instead of sitting on the couch feeling sorry for myself!

Nite all.

'via Blog this'

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Misery Guts

It's more than one, but less than two 'ughs' today.

My 'ughs' are not reducing quickly enough for my liking. Even the outside of my jaw is hurting a little today, and I feel like I've had a permanent frown for three days, but worst of all, the last three days have felt like seven days! I can't believe that it's only been three days!!

I walked out of the dental surgery at 3.45pm on Monday, so Monday was pretty much finished and it's now Thursday 8.33pm.

Time flies when you're having fun, but it sure drags when you're not!

I am sitting in my lounge room as a huge storm is passing over us. Very heavy rain and plenty of thunder and lightning. I don't know if there is wind because I can't see outside and I'm not stepping outside to find out. It sounds windy lol, but it shouldn't last too much longer .. not by the BOM indications anyway!

I have a glass, or should I say 'bucket', of wine beside me which I'm hoping will ease the mouth pain as well as ease the storm stress.

It's now 9.20pm and it feels like the storm has passed. Just some rumbling in the distance.

It has been a quiet day at home for me, riding out the healing process, so I'm afraid this is just another whinging post. Woe is me. Poor me. Feel sorry for me. It's all about me.

Thank you to Adoring Husband for continuing to give me love and sympathy and TLC. Also a big thank you for being a great plumber and fixing the blocked kitchen sinks at minimal cost to us. It's good to be married to a jack of all trades!

Well, I guess it's another early-ish night for me. Let's hope I wake up with less 'ughs' on my description list.

Nite all.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Still Complaining

I'm still on the 2 x 'ughs'.

I'm still swollen and sore and tender and feeling sorry for myself. I'm OVER it.

I've upped my infection prevention strategy by increasing the frequency of oil pulling, gargling peroxide water, swishing colloidal silver and today I've made up a jar of Himalayan salt wash to rinse with too.

Since Sunday lunch time (it's now Wednesday night), my belly has welcomed coffee, bone broth, home made berry and pear sorbet and tonight my wonderful Adoring Husband made me some pureed pumpkin, sweet potato and potato and some finely ground mince with cauliflower sauce.

I desperately needed something solid and satisfying, and even though he complained that it looked like 'nursing home food', it was delicious and full of flavour and exactly what the doctor ordered. I ate so much, I'm still feeling stuffed, two hours later!!!

I had a lovely time with the ladies for morning tea and had plenty of endorphins pumping through me while Reality TV Queen had us all laughing uproariously at her's and her friend's drinking antics over the last five days. She is hilarious!

AH and I were planning on going to the movies this afternoon, to see "The Big Short", but I wasn't feeling chipper enough to sit through a drama for two hours, so unfortunately, even though today was it's final viewing, we have to wait for it to come out on dvd (or Foxtel) in May.

It has some big names in it like Marisa Tomei, Brad Pitt, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Selena Gomez and many many more.

I've been waiting for this movie to be shown and I can't believe it's been on for four weeks and I missed it!!

I received a phone call from Number One Son this afternoon too! He has a lot happening in his life right now, so there was some catching up to do.

Instead of movie-going, I spent the day watching all the TV shows that AH recorded for me while I was away. I needed a pain killer this afternoon and I will have another one before I go to sleep tonight .. which will be very soon.

I need another early night to help my body heal.

So ... nite all.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2 x Ugh!

Yesterday's pain and discomfort was worthy of three 'ughs', but today's discomfort surprisingly started out with half an 'ugh' and is unfortunately finishing with two 'ughs'.

My dentist did warn me that this would be the case, but I still haven't resorted to pain killers and I am using my golden inner light of healing, accompanied by fabulous music from the 60s, 70s and 80s to speed up the healing process.

Last night, when the pain got bad enough that I strongly considered asking Vegan Chickie for some drugs, I decided to horizontal dance the pain away.

I found a free app for my phone, which provides live streaming from any radio station in Australia. My favourite radio station, for as long as I can remember, has been 2CA, a Canberra station that plays amazing music from my era and also has stints thirty minutes long of ad-free music.

So I got my ear pods out, turned off the light and cranked up the music and danced while lying on the bed for a full thirty minutes. Surprisingly, it eased the pain considerably! It must have been the endorphins! My legs and arms haven't seen so much action since I played squash in the 90s! After about thirty minutes, I fell into a sound sleep.

Vegan Chickie even delivered some pain killers to my bedroom without me stirring. They were still on the bed beside me when I woke in the morning.

After an uneventful train trip home, I am sleeping in my own bed tonight and I don't think Adoring Husband will tolerate me dancing in the bed, so if listening to the music isn't enough to dull the pain, I may have to resort to drugs.

It will definitely be an early night again for me, so ...

Nite all.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

I am here briefly to say that I had seriously nasty and extensive dental work done today and I am feeling very miserable and sorry for myself.

It is 7pm and the numbing agent has worn off.




That is all.

Nite all.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Learning Curve

Well, that was a hell of a learning curve!!

I've never made a video before. I had no idea how to share it on my devices (iPhone, iPad and Macbook Pro) therefore I had never uploaded my own video here, and therefore I had no idea about the google rules for the size of videos allowed and therefore I had no idea how to reduce the video in size so that it would be accepted here.

I've had to cut the video in half so that it wasn't too big to post here.

My brain hurts. I'm not quite celebrating because, as I write this, it hasn't finished uploading yet!

The day of Chicklet's birthday was wonderful. She loved all of her gifts and played with each and every one of them all day long. 

She received a dragon costume and a unicorn costume, a tent/sleeping bag and pillow with dinosaurs on them, Dorothy the dinosaur and Henry the octopus dolls, a bubble blower, a tea set with dinosaurs, a skipping rope, a book, some stickers, a box of flowers and an unrecognisable dragon cake.

We spent all day playing with her toys. Mama, Dadu, Adoring Husband and I, all playing tag team to share the excitement and playtime. I'm sure that Adoring Husband must have been exhausted, having driven for two hours to see Chicklet, then spent a couple of hours playing silly balloon games with her, then driving home again after midday.

We loved having him here and loved that he made such an effort, especially considering the huge three days he'd had with SES duties prior to yesterday.

At the end of the day, Chicklet had a blast wandering through the house with a button pin, bursting all of the balloons (111 of them), while Mama removed the dinosaur and dragon stickers off the wall. By 7pm, you would never have known that it had been somebody's birthday!

We took it quietly today. 

Vegan Chickie and I had coffee and breakfast snacks at Zabe coffee shop this morning while Dadu and Chicklet had time together. We did some grocery shopping before coming home and I made a baked chicken and veg lunch.

I spent most of the afternoon in bed with an unhappy tummy, while Chicklet came and in and out at various times to check on me.

Tomorrow is my big dental appointment. I can't even remember what I'm having done, but I do know that I should get a good night's sleep so that I can cope with whatever is in store!

Nite all.

The Birthday Girl

It's just too late to do a full blog post tonight. I have tried, to no avail, sharing the video that I took of Chicklet seeing her birthday decorations for the first time this morning. I will have another attempt tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

The day has been amazing and Chicklet says "It's the best birthday EVER!" so that's gotta be a bonus!

Adoring Husband even drove down for a few hours and got to sing happy birthday before he headed back home.

I will write more about it tomorrow and hopefully have a couple more pics to share.

Meanwhile, sleep time for me.

Nite all.