Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Picking Winners

This is what my FROG box lady wrote on their website today. Everything she says resonates with me, and I too tend to move in a different direction to the hoards.
(I am left wondering who it is that is hoarding toilet paper because absolutely everyone that I’ve spoken to is scoffing at the ridiculousness of it all!)
There is a number of people reacting in fear, and they are the people that the media seem to be focussing on, instead of those of us who “choose” to respond calmly with love and peace.
Anyway, this is what Celine wrote...
There's nothing like worldwide panic to make you stop, take a breath and re-assess where you are and how you choose to react to the situation. It might help that I tend to always go a little against the grain, if everyone is heading in one direction, I'm with the small mob going the other way. So with everyone freaking out- I'm choosing not to. Gosh, it feels goood!

There is so much positive change that can come out of this seemingly bad situation. If ever there was a time for people to make better choices NOW is the time! If you've been waiting for an excuse to start looking after yourself NOW is the time! If you love the thought of keeping it local but haven't been quite getting there, NOW is the time to spend your pennies with conscious intent. If you tend to react from a place of lack or fear, NOW is the time to focus on your reactions and start trusting in life.

So I urge you, look at what you are eating- ditch processed foods and choose to eat clean, fresh food loaded with nutrients- strengthen your bodies not only in response to this situation, but to boost your immune system for winter and for life in general. Quality of life comes from being healthy and living well- living well means feeling good, and feeling good comes from having a body that works at its best. If the hype out there is what is needed to kick-start you into gear, then that's a good thing.

Start reconnecting, sharing and acting from a place of love. Remember that you are never alone. Ignore the people with trollies full of toilet paper and shrouded in fear, and remind yourself that there are many more people than them that will happily share with you if you need it. By sharing and giving more, you'll allow that flow of energy to come back to you tenfold. Ask for help if you need it, and be willing to receive. Imagine communities built on kindness and support, lets get together and change this world for good- starting at home!

Think local, spend local. Yes we've heard it all before but now more than ever this rings true. Look at your dollars and spend them where they make a difference. Department stores and supermarkets won't miss you if you choose not to shop with them but small local businesses with families to feed will. Lets spend consciously and help our local community thrive. If we all connect and give each other a financial boost by spending local we'll come out on top of this. You think you can't make a difference but you can!
I know at FROG every order that comes through makes a big difference- to a small business you are not just a number, you help keep that business afloat week after week, and we are totally grateful to have your support..we feel so connected to our customers and if we could give each and everyone of you a hug, we would- although maybe not right now- apparently hugs are banned at the moment. Maybe a high-five... nope can't do that either... Gah!

I feel like someone has grabbed planet Earth and is giving it a HUGE shake-up... and that's a great thing! For too long we've been all talk about what we 'should' be doing. Now its time to put that into action. We are the change-makers right now, and it's connected communities like the one we have here at FROG that can start being that change we want to see in the world.

Let's do this!

♥ Celine
If you’re interested in ordering organic goodness, you can choose set boxes from $40 or you can select fruit, veg and other products individually here. (FYI I don’t receive anything for promoting FROG. I value and recommend this business highly).

I spent today running Day One of our Photography workshop. We have a great group of ladies who are all eager to learn and all with a good sense of humour. Each of them commented on how much they learned on the first day and were keen to go home and practice.
It was a bad start to the day when instead of pressing the ‘snooze’ button on my alarm, I accidentally turned it off and slept for another hour! This meant that I was rushing to get ready and feeling quite flustered when the class began. That’s a horrible feeling.
It was all ok in the end.
My lower back is giving me a bit of trouble at the moment and I feel like I’m struggling to walk distances which is tricky when after lunch, we are out and about in the field practicing what we learned in the morning. I had a dodgy limp by the end of the day.

I’m looking forward to the second day and I’ll be sure to leap out of bed as quickly as my back will allow - no snooze button or accidental offs!

I have to say it’s been a great weekend of footy so far for the first round of the season and as of this moment my tips are perfect - 5 from 5 and my pick in the 6th game is winning. I will brag while I can because my winning run might not last!

Have a happy Sunday!

Nite all

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