Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Another Chicklet Update

Sadly, my little family are moving into their own place this weekend.

Luckily, instead of being in another country or another state, they will only be 30 minutes away.

So it's Chicklet update day today ...

Big blue eyes and two fabulous teeth!

Got the giggles :o)

I can be coy too.

I can hypnotise you with my big blue eyes.

Or I can be pink and cute and chubbeeeeee!

There are grandmothers all over the world who aren't as lucky as I have been for the last four months.  

I've been able to watch her change and grow and develop.  I've listened to her baby chatter every day and her happy little giggles.  I've had long cuddles, walks in the garden, outings in the stroller and I've watched Vegan Chickie and The Bare-chested Chef enjoying their roles as parents.

Not every grandparent gets to share such precious time and memories at such a vital time in their grandchildren's lives and I feel very privileged and very grateful for this wonderful experience.

So now I have to be content with weekly visits and I have to remind myself that it could be so much worse ... as I stated earlier ... they could be going to another country or another state ... THAT would be too difficult!  Ugh!

I'm going to 'man up' and I'm going to deal with it ... but don't try to discuss it with me just yet, because I'm not ready!

That's the Chicklet update for the month.  Isn't she lovely?

Nite all.


Veganchickie said...

You aren't going to man up. You are going to WOMAN up! Women are the toughest of them all!

We are going to miss you very much. I wish we could bring you with us!

Age said...

Ok I am going to WOMAN up!

Anonymous said...

I found a card once which said 'Put on your big
girl panties and deal with it' and that's what
one of the family and I tell each other when
the going gets tough! The picture on the card
was very good too. thanks Age for the photos!