Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Healing Hands

I woke up this morning feeling much better. 

The pain in my shoulder had reduced considerably and I was able to move freely. Just a little niggle.

I was awake at 5.30am and up out of bed early for my day off. 9am!

The washing machine got a good workout today.

I finished the art piece. I’m not happy with the changes, but it’s what he asked for, so as my wise daughter suggested, I have to rise above my feelings about it and accept that I provided what he wanted.

We drove to the shop and cleared the vision board mess that was in the training room, then set up for morning coffee and journaling.

I packaged up and addressed all of the wrapped Christmas presents and Adoring Husband took them to the post office to send them off. $67 later ... 😳

There are still two more parcels to go yet but I’m pretty impressed with how well organised I am this Christmas!

I did lamb shanks in the slow cooker for dinner with mash and broccoli and mushroom gravy. Real comfort food.

It has been incredibly windy here for the last couple of days ... and hot! That has all built up to create some big storms currently passing over us. The rain is heavy and the thunder is loud. Hopefully this rain will reach Fraser Island to put out the dreadful fires that have been burning for over a week.

I think it’s time to sleep. This day has been full and productive and tiring.

Nite all.

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