Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Good Time Had By All

Ok so woopsie!!

Funnily enough, we were just talking last night (at the crazy karaoke night) about how amazing it is that I can still write and post on this blog after a Friday night of wine.

Ironically, I was in no fit state (after the crazy karaoke night) to write and post on this blog last night, after drinking too much wine.

A good night was had by all.

No, we did not get up and sing, but we DID sing along, sometimes very loudly, and we DID stand up and dance, near our table. We laughed at the bad singers, were amazed by the good ones, awe struck by the brilliant ones.

We were both horrified and amused by the antics of some local personalities whom we have never seen in an intoxicated state before.

We drank three bottles of wine between three of us .. well actually .. one of us was a driver and only drank two glasses of wine all night .. so really, two of us drank two and a half bottles of wine between us.

I'm hoping that my partner in crime didn't feel as poorly as I did during the night, when my body felt the need to purge itself of some poisons/toxins/alcohol. A confession that I'm sure conjures a pretty picture for you all!

Luckily, and I'm not sure how, I was not hung over when I awoke this morning. No headache, no nausea, but I did feel like there was a disconnect between my body and my brain. That feeling has gradually improved as the day has progressed and I am surprised at how well I have recovered.

I really must learn to pace myself.

I did take a photo with my phone, quite early in the night, but it was before the real action started and it's not worth sharing here. I attempted to take a video on my phone, but in my inebriated state (and never having used the video function on my phone before) I had no idea what I was doing and only managed a 4 second video of blurred action.

Anyway, next year, we have discussed practicing a song before the June long weekend. Mardi and Lady Lynn are going to be my 'doo-wop' girls and we are going to work on a routine. This will require equal amounts of alcohol as that which we consumed last night, to give us the courage to get up and sing and doo-wop. Only time will tell.

Some more quotes to share.

Nite all.  

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