Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Got The Bug

The cleaning bug that is!

Adoring Husband brought breakfast to me in bed at about 8.30am.

Toast with tomato and a cup of tea.

I enjoyed a lazy hour or so in bed and then enthusiastically removed myself and began cleaning the ensuite.

It’s such a small room, it’s difficult to comfortably reach behind the toilet to clean it and the floor behind and at the side of it, so I was on the floor twisting and contorting trying to get the job done.

It took me a good 90 minutes to get it all sparkling clean, using a toothbrush to scrub oil of cloves into the shower grout to kill the early signs of mould.

I used the diamond scrubber to polish the glass of soap scum.

I washed the walls and cleaned the door front and back.

Got down on my hands and knees to scrub the floor tiles and wipe down the drawers and cupboard.

I was quite pleased with the result and even left the bathroom door open so that I could admire my handy work!

I got a couple of loads of washing done before I spent time with AH watching some Olympic action.

I’m trying to train AH to respond to my AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE with some OY OY OY, but he refuses to play the game! He’s such an old man.

We had a bit of ruckus happening in our outdoor area this afternoon.

Every Spring we have wattle birds nesting in a plant pot right outside the sliding doors. Today, a Butcher bird decided to move in on their territory and even though there are no eggs in the nest yet, the Wattle birds were going off! Swooping and attacking and squawking and flapping all about!

I went out with my trusty fly swat to gently persuade the Butcher bird to move on, but he was a stubborn little bugger and just kept returning so I left them to it. They must have come to an agreement because it eventually went quiet.

Later in the afternoon I was feeling a bit weary so I lay down and dozed on and off through the Olympic diving.

There are a few Burrum residents caught in Covid lockdown in Brisbane and the Sunny Coast at the moment. What a pain in the butt! Who knows how long this debacle will last?

It’s now 10pm and we are off to Childers in the morning, so I’d best push my sleep button.

Nite all.

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