Nice to see you!

Three major events occurred for me last year (2010), all in the space of about 2 weeks. I turned 50. The following day I got married. Two weeks later, my oldest daughter became pregnant with her first child and my first grandchild.

Most middle-aged people will tell you that in their minds, they still feel 20 something. It's the same for me.

Wasn't it only yesterday that I was planning a night out with guys from the surf club? That gorgeous new perm. Flaired, cuffed denims and the red t-shirt with the off-the-shoulder frill. Corked platform wedgies. **sigh**

Suddenly I'm looking in the mirror and wondering how 30 years can flash by so damned quickly!

So here I am in cyberspace, sharing my genuine shock and horror with anyone who'll listen and maybe I'll even meet some other over 50s who find themselves in the same predicament!

Welcome to my dilemna!!

Friday, December 9, 2022


This first part - I am on my soap box - so skip past if you don’t want to know.

“SMART” is the new word for “CONTROL”

‘Smart City’ programs are being rolled out across the country.

Invasive technology like facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, smart lights, smart poles, smart cars, smart neighbourhoods, smart homes, smart phones and smart appliances all connected to wireless networks and communicating with each other.

Your streets are spying on you. Your homes are spying on you. Your mobile phones are spying on you. Your cities are spying on you and the infrastructure for future lockdowns is being put into place right now.

You’re being set up to be tracked through your movements and through the future of your digital wallets.

By handing over your data, you’re handing over the ability to monitor your behaviour which will soon be turned into a social credit score and once the Central Bank Digital Currencies are in place, you won’t get to spend any of your money without approval.

Digital IDs are already being rolled out in countries like Canada and Scotland and are planned globally.

Eventually, you won’t be able to access any government or public service, you won’t able to travel across borders or access health care or the internet without a digital ID.

The last two years were a dress rehearsal - Covid lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations - Australia was the most compliant country in the world and we are sleepwalking into the technocratic future and while we sit around scratching our chins trying to work out if this is really happening, we are drifting into a dystopian future.

If you read all of that, I thank you 🙏 

At 6.30am I was lured to the pool by the tepid water and after the storms last night, the air and the sky were clear and fresh.

I took my sound bar with me and listened to ‘chill’ music which was very relaxing.

I swam some laps, floated for a while, did some stretching exercises and then sat on the step with a lovely cup of tea that Adoring Husband made for me. It was around 8am when I found my way back inside.

Harley was very well behaved today and at 4.30pm I decided to take him for his second walk on the leash.

We only walked for 15 minutes because with Border Collie pups, their bones, shoulders and hips are still developing and if they are overworked, it can cause issues down the track. I was advised ‘5 minutes exercise per 4 weeks of age’. Harley is almost 11 weeks old so I figured 15 minutes would work.

I am training him to walk beside me without pulling on the lead and for the most part he was very good. 

He wanted to chase a car - he responded well to my command.

He was frightened by a screeching plover but the fear subsided quickly.

He met a neighbour, Buddy the black miniature poodle, who was a bit too forward but Harley was more excited to meet Harley’s owner.

It was only during the last 2 minutes of the walk that he was difficult to control but by then he was thirsty and worn out.

When we got home, he had a big drink and plonked himself onto the cold tiles where he slept soundly for about 90 minutes!

Because of this, his ‘witching hour’ started a bit later than usual and I decided to lead him to bed at 7.30pm before he got himself too worked up. It took him about ten minutes to settle but he’s well and truly out to it now.

Harley has found his voice and if he doesn’t agree with my discipline (which is just a gruff voice saying “Haa”) he will tell me! He has his own way of saying “Haa” back at me!

I spent some time in my art space but instead of sketching my realistic mouth as planned, I was distracted by a video interview with 

  1. A pharmacist in Darwin talking about the increase in heart conditions, strokes and shingles this year.
  2. A Catholic priest from Perth talking about his 360 parishioners, over 100 of whom have serious vaccine injuries but they are too afraid to tell anyone for fear of being labelled “antivaxers” - they will only speak about it in confession! A good majority of them are even too afraid to speak to their doctors!
  3. A psychologist from Melbourne who’s practice is fully booked with clients who have been rejected by friends and family because of their vaccination status and who will spend their third Christmas isolated because they are not allowed to enter family homes without being vaccinated. The mental health issues are out of control.
  4. A funeral director in Sydney who has had to hire extra staff because they are so busy and it’s not due to Covid deaths.
What is wrong with this world?

What is wrong with people?

I’ve certainly learnt the hard way who my people are and I’ve had to do some heavy duty healing this year.

2023 will be telling.

Anyway, our not so psychotic dog Colli, is struggling at the moment and we are preparing ourselves for the worst while hoping for the best.


Time for me to sleep.

Nite all.

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